Page 21 of Starstruck

We finally pulled apart to look into one another’s eyes, panting heavily. There was nothing weird or awkward about what we’d done. It was holding back that had made it awkward. When we let go of all our hesitations, this all felt so right.

“Should we, umm, go through the scene?” I asked.

Jessica shook her head, turning off the water. “I’d call that a successful rehearsal. I should get home.”

“Right.” I watched her step out and dry off on the towel and wished I could ask her to stay. Having her in my apartment made the space a lot less dank and depressing.

She let out a satisfied sigh as she pulled her clothes on. I dressed as well and followed her out to the main area to watch her tie her shoes. What did all this mean? I guess I liked women, or at least one woman, which didn’t have to be a big deal, but what would this mean for me and Jessica? I was growing to really like her as a friend, and it was one thing to fool around with a pal, but developing romantic feelings was the surest way to doom a friendship. Unless Jessica returned those feelings...

Her phone started ringing and she didn’t answer it, which made me think it was either her mom or her publicist calling. Thinking of her publicist made me frown. Jessica had never been to an event without a guy on her arm, and that was such a part of her image that I had to wonder if there any way she’d ever date me.

Date me?

Where had that thought come from? I’d hated Jessica just days ago and now I couldn’t get her out of my head. How had Jessica gotten to me so fast? I thought of the night we’d cuddled on her couch, and honestly, I would’ve done anything to spend another night like that.

She looked up from slipping on her strappy heels, a huge grin on her face. “Guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Yup.” I held my hands behind my back to hide how much I was fidgeting. Jessica stood with one hand on my door, looking me up and down. Her smile widened and she pulled me into her arms, planting a kiss on my lips that made butterflies stir in my stomach. Everything about the way she touched me was just so open and kind. I couldn’t help the way that made my knees go rubbery.

“I can’t wait,” she said with one last wink before walking out the door.

The butterflies in my stomach turned into giant man-eating moths. I felt a whole new type of nervousness, because I realized I had very real feelings for Jessica. She was kind and thoughtful and caring and she just made me happy. At the rate my feelings were developing, I wasn’t sure if I could be just friends with Jessica. But I also doubted that being more than friends was an option. There was no way Jessica Black would actually date a woman. And even if she would, it was a stretch to think that she would date me.

I curled into the soft blanket on my bed. I wished she didn’t have to go. I wished I could spend the whole night in her warm arms again.



A huge weight had lifted from my chest as I walked into rehearsal the next day. All the tension between me and Amelia was gone. When she saw me enter, she looked up with a huge smile that I returned.

It definitely wasn’t normal for me to get physical with a co-star, but with Amelia, it’d felt so natural. And it wasn’t like we were messing around with a relationship. We were just two pals fooling around in a shower. Could anything be more innocent?

I was excited when the director said we were going to spend the day rehearsing mine and Amelia’s scenes. There were the silly, confrontational scenes, and then a tender date scene where I got to sit across a table from Amelia and watch her blush as she delivered her lines with the shy affect of her character. I loved that look on her. She could be hot-headed, but there really was a lot of tenderness under that and it showed in her acting.

I played footsie with her under the table to make her blush even more, except that made me choke down a laugh and we had to start the scene over again. I definitely didn’t mind. I looked to Braelyn for notes, but he just said, “This is perfect, the mood between you is great.”

I looked back to Amelia to see her cheeks pinken even more. I wanted to reach over and squeeze them. This first half of the film was full of hand-holding and stolen pecks, fun little affections that seemed to make Amelia blush and stutter.

I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face as we went through our scenes together—until we came to the shower scene that Amelia and I had tried to practice the night before.

Since this was just a rehearsal before the filming started, there would be no undressing. Part of me really wished there would be. Fooling around with Amelia in the shower had been electric. My skin still tingled from the memory.

As we ran through the scene, both of us standing close in the shower, my mind kept running back to the night before—Amelia’s gasping breath, her shy moans and then unrestrained pleasure. I wanted all that again.

Amelia licked her lips as she delivered her lines and I knew she was thinking the same thing. I couldn't help getting turned on when I pulled her in for a kiss, our bodies pressed together so firmly. Amelia’s hands roamed unapologetically down my back and over my ass as I kissed her deeper.

I pulled my lips away, but kept my forehead pressed against hers as I said my next line.

“I think I’m falling in love with you.”

Lightning crackled in Amelia’s eyes. I kissed her again. This was the part in the script where things got physical. Very physical. I was supposed to press Amelia against the wall and our bodies would move with a synchronized rhythm. Oh man, I wanted that. Something about her felt so good.

“Okay, that’s great for now,” Braelyn announced.

I swore I heard Amelia groan.

“We can work out the physical stuff on camera.” The director stood from the crouched position where he’d been observing and giving notes. “Let’s break for today.”