Page 11 of Starstruck

“I just want to know what it is you’re so scared of,” I said.

“You already know,” Amelia shot back without missing a beat. “You act like you know everything about me.”

I grinned cockily. “I wanna hear you say it.”

“You wanna hear me say it? Fine. I’m scared I’m gonna fall for you and you’re gonna leave me with nothing but a broke-ass heart. That what you wanted to hear?”

I looked over to Braelyn, who was frowning.

“Could we get the two of you closer?” he said, eyes squinting. “I wanna get a feel for the chemistry in this scene.”

“Sure thing, boss.”

Instead of running around the long table to sit next to Amelia, I did a half-leap and slid over it into the chair next to her. She practically jumped away from me. Were her hands shaking?

“Okay, Amelia, read your last line again.” Braelyn said, arms crossed over his chest.

Amelia’s voice shook this time, but it only made the line sound better. “I’m scared I’m gonna fall for you and you’re gonna leave me with nothing but a broke-ass heart. That what you wanted to hear?”

“Just the first part.” I grinned, putting a hand to Amelia’s cheek. Her eyes went huge and darted down to my lips.

“Well I meant all of it.” Her voice shook even more now. There was something so perfect about the fear in her eyes. The tension between us felt beyond real. We were only doing a table reading, but it felt so right to go all the way with it. I let the space between our lips grow smaller and smaller as I prepared to deliver my next line.

“Sorry I’m late!” The door burst open and the older woman who was supposed to play my mother rushed in.

Amelia leapt up from her chair. “I need some water. I need to use the bathroom. I need...” Her words cut off as she ran out the door.



Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. This isn’t a big deal. You’re just going to walk back in there and kiss another woman. Nothing huge about that. Drunk girls do it all the time at parties. Why shouldn’t I be able to do it too?

My legs felt weak again and I had to lean against the wall next to the water cooler as I gulped from the little paper cup. Why the hell was this so hard for me? Was it kissing a woman that was getting to me, or was it that the woman was—

“Hey, there you are!” Jessica jaunted down the hall, blonde hair bouncing with each step.

“You didn’t leave because of Cleo, did you? Sorry, I totally didn’t realize you were allergic.”

“Forget about it.” I drained the last of the water and crushed the paper cup in my fist.

“What’s wrong?” Jessica’s brows knit together. “You’re not sick or something, are you?”

“How is it so easy for you?” I blurted. “I mean, you were just about to kiss me without even thinking tw


“Ah!” Realization spilled across her features. “I get it. You’re afraid to kiss me!” A huge grin spread across her face that made heat spread through my body.

“I’m just… I’ve never kissed a woman before, okay?”

“So it’s scary for you?” She looked like she was stifling a laugh. “That’s the cutest thing I’ve ever heard.”

“How is it so easy for you? Did you practice or something?”

She actually did laugh this time. “Well, I’ve kissed a lot of men for movies. Kissing a girl isn’t all that different. Sure, I’m not attracted to women, but I haven’t been attracted to all the actors I’ve kissed either. It’s just work.” She leaned against the wall and folded her arms over her chest, a serious look taking over her face. “That’s a big reason why I want to do this movie. I want people to realize that two people of the same sex being together, well, it’s just not a big deal. My best friend is a lesbian, and she’s always been there for me. I’d love if I could make the world just a little easier for her to live in.”

“Oh.” I blinked, as if seeing her in new light. “Wow. Umm, that’s kind of amazing.”