Page 52 of High Note

“Care to talk about it?” I asked.

She shrugged. “It’s stupid. It’s just that I stayed up late studying for this final, and then I forgot to set my alarm, so I woke an hour late for class and only had thirty minutes to take the test. Though I guess I’m lucky my professor even allowed me to take it at all.”

“Yikes,” I said, trying to imagine what that might feel like. I’d never taken school too seriously, and I’d never gone to college, so it was hard to imagine stressing over a test that way. “Were you able to finish?”

“Not even close.” She shook her head. “Hence, the drink.”

“Right.” I nodded. “Ah, that blows. I’d be drinking, too, if I were you.”

She nodded toward my beer. “Well, you are drinking. What’s your reason?”

I laughed. “Oh, no real reason for me. I was just wandering around the campus and decided to drop in. I'm new to Rosebridge, so I was doing some exploring.” I extended my hand. “My name’s Kaitlyn, by the way.”

“Kaitlyn, hello. I’m Emily.”

“Nice to meet you,” I told her, before feeling someone tap my shoulder behind me.

It startled me, so I jumped back a little bit before I saw one of the guys from the other side of the bar standing in front of me.

“Oh, sorry to scare you!” he said in a soft, deep voice. He was tucking his chin-length brown hair behind his ear and smiling at me. “I just had a quick question.”

This was a little weird, but I was an outgoing person, so I didn’t mind someone randomly initiating a conversation with me.

“Are you single?” he asked. “Because you’re very cute, and I was wondering if I could possibly get your number.”

Well, this almost never happened to me. I often was approached by other lesbians but pretty much never by men.

Though I did date men now and then. I had a preference for women, but every once in a while, I met a guy who caught my attention. But in those cases, I was the one doing the chasing and not the other way around.

Without looking him up and down, I tried to assess if I was attracted to him. He was cute, no denying that. His dark, long hair perfectly framed his very symmetrical face. He was objectively pretty attractive.

But, eh, he didn’t hold my interest. Not really. For a guy to win me over, there had to be some extra factor that drew me in. Or maybe I was just uninterested in him because I had a woman on the other side of me who I found way cuter. Either way, I didn’t want to entertain this.

“Sorry, I’m taken, actually.”

“Oh, that sucks,” he said, frowning. “Well, couldn’t hurt to ask. Have a good day.”

“You, too.” I smiled politely as he made his way back to his friend, shrugging at him as if to say ‘oh well.’

“Taken, huh?” Emily asked me.

Right, I didn’t really want her thinking I was taken because she was cute, and, even though I shouldn’t have been looking at girls, I couldn’t help myself. I didn’t want her thinking I was totally straight, either.

“If taken means uninterested in him,” I said, as I grinned mischievously at her.

She seemed to get my point, that I was a lesbian. Or, at least, mostly lesbian, I guess. Bisexual didn't feel like the right word to describe me, because while I was attracted to both genders, I so heavily leaned toward women.

She smiled back, and a look in her eye made me think she might have actually been interested in me, too.

“So, what brings you to Rosebridge?” she asked.

I had to think about how I was going to answer this. Should I lie so the conversation was kept more casual? Say I just moved for a change of pace?

Or did I answer honestly and admit I’d just had an awful break-up? It was too personal for a conversation with a stranger, but, at the same time, I wanted to vent a bit. And there was always the possibility I’d never see this stranger again, so, why not?

“Actually, just had a pretty bad break-up with my ex-girlfriend,” I said. “I mean, the break-up was mutual, but still awful.”

“Aw, I’m so sorry to hear that,” she said, sounding genuinely empathetic. “You wanna talk about it?”