“What’s all the fuss about?” Valentine hobbles through the kitchen door as I pull up my shirt and pretend I’m busy doing something where my back needs to be turned to Eric. After a few seconds of awkward silence I realise eyes are on me, my so called colleagues’ curious eyes to be exact.

Letting my shoulders sag, I turn to face the handsome man that has plagued so many of my thoughts recently.

“I’ll leave you young people to your fun,” Valentine mutters when nobody tells her the joke. It’s not like we can explain it; it was one of those ‘you had to be there’ moments. I’ll tell her later.

“I’ve got shelves to clean and Elle has shelves to stock.” Tiffany says, way too cheerfully, and pulls a nosy Elle away by the scruff of her neck.

“Hi.” I finally look at him and instantly feel my cheeks heat. He’s gazing at me, in that way that only really handsome men can gaze at you and make you feel like you’re completely naked. “What can I get for you?”

His eyes flicker to the curves of my breasts and his smile widens. I throw a pen at him. Fortunately he finds it funny and doesn’t sue me for assault. “Feisty. I like it.”

“I’m going to spit in your cookies.”

He lets out a chuckle and shrugs. “As long as you don’t make them with breast milk.” Did he hear all of that? Please say no. “Although…” I launch another pen at his suggestive tone. “I’m kidding. I’m actually here to collect doughnuts for a friend. He said he’d already called. Josh Rode.”

“I’ve got it.” Elle calls and gets to work on the dozen donuts.

Why do I feel slightly disappointed that he’s not here to see me? “Okay, so maybe I volunteered to come because I wanted to see a certain somebody again.” His eyes are soft now, and aimed at me.

“He’s talking about me,” Tiffany whispers loudly in my ear and leans on the counter. I know she’s joking, but Eric looks slightly frightened. Elle pulls her away, both of them giggling like teenagers. Sigh.

“Sorry about them. They were quiet when I first met them. I don’t know what happened.” I joke and glare fondly at the two women. They quickly duck their heads and return to their duties. “I didn’t think I’d see you again.” It has been two weeks since I saw him, two weeks since Nathan had Dillan, and two weeks of sheer boredom.

“I wasn’t sure if you wanted to see me again.” He admits, tucking his hands into his jacket pockets. “I think this is the first time I’ve seen you flour free.”

My cheeks heat. “Yes. I’ve only just arrived myself, not long before you came in.”

“Both are stunning.”


“You covered in flour, you not covered in flour.” He leans over the counter and smiles crookedly. “Stunning.” Gulp. “I get that you don’t want to date right now.” You can say that again. “But I really don’t like being told no. It’s not good for my ego.” I’ll bet. “So I’m going to suggest something and you’re not allowed to say no because it’s completely innocent and totally platonic.”

He’s charming; I’ll give him that. “And what’s that?”

“I have this thing tomorrow and I need a date.” I open my mouth to say no, but he quickly continues. “Well, not a date but a friend to join me.”

“And what is this thing?”

“I can’t tell you because you’ll say no.”

Is he serious? “But if you don’t tell me, I’m going to say no.”

“You’ll enjoy yourself, I promise. You can also bring your baby if you want to.” Not a chance, but what is it that would allow me to bring a four month old? “Please say yes.”

Chewing on my lip for a moment, I contemplate my options. Stay at home, lonely and bored, or take a chance on a possibly good day out with a seemingly nice guy? “Sure. Dillan is with his uncle tomorrow so I’m free.”

“Excellent.” He grins and slides a folded note across the counter. “I’m giving you a chance to back out. If you haven’t texted me by eleven in the morning, I’ll leave you alone and never bother you again. Well…not including my frequent trips to the bakery where you happen to work.” I pocket the note and tuck my hair nervously behind my ear. “No hard feelings at all.”

Damn he’s sweet. “Thank you.”

He gives me another smile as Elle hands him the box of doughnuts. “Until tomorrow.”

“You still haven’t ordered anything.” I comment. “I owe you.”

“I’ll collect it when the time’s right.” His cheeky smile is the last thing I see before he exits the store and climbs into his car.

The girls start cheering, almost deafening me in the process. I blush like a virgin and scarper into the safety of the kitchen where Valentine awaits eagerly to hear the story. Elle tells her about Eric before I even get the chance and soon Valentine is cheering with them. There’s a pharmacy across the road; I’m definitely buying ear plugs during my break.