Page 93 of Broken (Broken 1)

“Do you still do that?” Sasha asks, handing me the warm cup of golden tinted milk.


She notices my look of confusion and continues, “The milk and honey on a Friday.”

“Oh,” that. “Not often. Nathan did it with me once, not long after I came here. It’s a family tradition apparently, one he doesn’t stick to.” I look at my friends and force a smile, “Come on, I want to know about you guys. Tell me what I’ve missed.”

Sasha brightens a little, Tommy places his chin on his hands, his elbows resting on the table. “I’m dating someone,” Sasha begins, her face animated with joy. “He’s so sweet.”

Tommy rolls his eyes when she’s not looking, making me thin my lips in an attempt to stifle the giggle that’s rising up my throat.

“He bought me flowers on the first date,” she swoons. “And he opened the car door for me. It was so…”

“Sweet?” Tommy interjects and her face brightens further, “Exactly!”

“That’s great,” I smile at my friend. “It’s about time you met somebody decent.”

Tommy snorts and lowers his head, Sasha’s smile soon turns into a frown. “What is your problem?”

“Nothing,” he waves her off and looks at me. “If I have to hear one more freaking time about how freaking sweet this guy is, I’m going to gradually turn into sugar.”

I snigger, Sasha shoots her frown my way. My hands go up in surrender but my smile is still there. “I think it’s sweet. Tell me more.”

“His dad is the manager of a restaurant in town, he wants to take it to new heights. He started late but his skills are impressive, he cooked for me and oh man, it was like an orgasm in my mouth.” She groans with delight at the memory. It’s almost disturbing to see. And this is just over his food, I can only imagine what she’ll be like when they do the deed.

Wait. “Have you done the deed?” My presumptuous tone makes her cheeks turn pink, just around her nose. “Oh my god, you have.”

“No!” She practically squawks. It’s that ‘bird like’ of a noise, I almost see feathers burst from her arms.

Tommy rubs his ears as his face scrunches in pain. “Ouch.”

“Okay, so if you haven’t done it, then what have you done?”

“I am totally going to bed right now,” Tommy says and stands.

Sasha laughs with me as we order him to sit down with promises that the conversation will change.

It’s just turned eleven and my mood has soared. The conversation has flowed so easily between the three of us and I’ve found myself willing to talk about Caleb and his goofy ways. Found myself smiling over it too. Almost been in tears because of it and so has Sasha. Tommy is better at handling his grief but I see it in his eyes. They were good friends, despite their rocky start because Caleb was jealous of our relationship.

Well, not jealous. More like he felt threatened. I loved it though, the sex was amazing when he was riled up. Telling me I belonged to him, promising me he’d screw every other guy right out of my head. Not that I had any other guy in my head, still, I appreciated the effort he put into it.

“What’s going on with Nathan?” Sasha asks making me choke on the water I’m sipping. Her eyes widen. “Babe…”

I shake my head, that guilt from earlier back. My heart hammers with it, every thump seems to ricochet through my chest with a burning ache that lasts until the next thump only to start up again even stronger.

“No, don’t even go there. We’re friends.”

She lowers her voice, it’s barely a whisper, “He looks just like Caleb, I’d understand…”

“Sasha,” Tommy warns but I cut him off.

“No he doesn’t,” I blurt, my words rushed. “At first, yeah he did, but not now. I’ve seen him too much. I barely recognize the similarities.” She opens her mouth to say something else, I’m shocked when Tommy’s clipped tone interrupts, “Leave it, Sasha. You’re pushing where you shouldn’t.”

Sasha’s mouth hangs open, “I was just going to say that nobody…”

“How do you think you’re making her feel, huh? Honestly? There’s nothing going on between her and Nathan yet you’re spreading shit that’s going to stick in her mind. That’s Caleb’s brother. She already feels fucked up enough about staying here with him, you putting extra on that isn’t going to help her.” He doesn’t sound angry but he does sound something close to it. I’m grateful for him having my back but I wish he hadn’t said anything. It’s made this a little bit awkward.

“Christ,” Sasha squeaks, her hand going to her mouth. “You’re right, I’m so sorry Gwenny.” Gwenny… ouch.

She hugs me, I hug her back as best I can. “It’s okay. Forget it.”

“So, where’s my room? I haven’t seen it yet.”