Page 91 of Broken (Broken 1)

He shrugs, “Far too moreish.”

There’s a knock at the door, I smile and race towards it, almost bowling Nathan over on my way past.

I pull it open, still bouncing on the spot, see Sasha and we both cling to each other like monkeys to their mother.

“Oh my god, you are huge,” Sasha pulls away and looks at the boulder between us. “How long now?”

“Ten weeks,” I reply and move her out of the way of the door so Tommy can step through. He sees me and smiles, it reaches his eyes. “Hey you.”

Strong arms wrap around me and squeeze me tight, “You look great, Gwen.”

“So do you,” I step away and look at them both. They both look so different yet the same, older and more attractive. Tommy’s hair is longer than it was and Sasha’s is a few inches shorter. They look great, they look happy. I wonder what they see when they look at me. “Come on, dinner is served.”

“Where’s Nathan?” Sasha whispers as she glances around nosily.

“Here,” Nathan announces his presence from the doorway and both Sasha and Tommy turn statue as their eyes scan him. I’m guessing they’re shocked to see how much he looks like Caleb. They’ll get used to it.

“It’s great to meet you,” Sasha breaks the silence and gives him a little wave. I warned them about his condition before they came so they know not to touch his hands. I’m grateful that they’ve remembered and haven’t taken offence by it like some people do. “Thanks for having us.”

“Yeah,” Tommy dips his head. “Nice place.”

“Thank you,” Nathan says and leads us into the dining room.

Sasha lets out a long groan and grips my arm, her eyes round and dramatic. “I’ve missed your food. Consider me your new lodger.”

“Fit for a king, just the way I like it,” Tommy jokes and pulls out a chair for Sasha.

Nathan does the same for me, standing behind me he pulls out my chair and pushes me in much like Tommy just did with Sasha. I give him a questioning look but his eyes are on my friends. More specifically on Tommy.

Everybody helps themselves from the plates in the centre, moaning and groaning with every bite. This makes me happy.

Really happy.

“So, how is University?” I ask them both. They both begin talking over each other, blaming each other for things I wish I’d seen. I love listening to them talk, telling me stories that once upon a time, I would have been a part of.

After dinner we move into the living room and sit on the comfortable couches, music playing softly in the background.

“Tommy broke up with his newest girlfriend because of me,” Sasha seems to think this is hilarious.

Tommy shrugs, “Tanya was jealous. She kept giving me ultimatums. It wasn’t because of Sasha, it’s because of her own insecurities.” Tanya? What happened to Zoe?

“Bros before hoes,” Sasha giggles and gives me a nudge with her elbow.

“Too right,” I jest and rub my stomach, a habit whenever the baby starts to move. Nathan sometimes joins in as well, I’ve kind of gotten over the weirdness of it now.

Nathan, knowing without me asking, throws me a pack of Gaviscon tablets. I chew two and wait for them to kick in.

“Heartburn?” Tommy asks as Sasha places both of her hands on my moving belly.

I nod, “Apparently it means the baby is going to have a lot of hair. I hope his hair is worth it.”

“You’re having a boy?” Sasha squeals and lifts up my top without permission so she can see the baby move through my skin. My friend is weird.

“I don’t know, I think so,” I glance at Nathan. “I kind of hope so.”

“We should put bets on it,” Tommy suggests, I scowl good naturedly at him. “Unless you’re afraid to lose.”

“Stop it,” Sasha slaps his arm and snuggles into my side, her eyes on my rolling bump. After a few more moments she groans and pats her flat stomach, I’m so jealous of her figure right now. “I’m bloated.”

“I got bloated seven months ago and it’s only gotten worse since,” I say, making the others laugh. Even Nathan smiles a little. “Why don’t we go for a walk?”

“Sounds good,” Tommy smiles as Sasha groans, “Seriously?”

“Come on Sash, you should see the outdoors before it gets too dark,” I push but it doesn’t work.

She shrugs, “You two go; I’m going to clean the dishes.”

“Leave them,” I glance at Nathan whose eyes are on me. “Come on.”

“No, I’ll make you milk and honey too, it’s Friday.” She gives me a wink and sashays into the kitchen the only way Sasha can.

I smirk and look to Tommy for help, he stands and holds out his hand. Taking it, I let him pull me off the couch gently.

“Don’t go too far, it’s dark,” Nathan tells me as he stands.