Page 79 of Broken (Broken 1)

Something else to look forward to.

We’re seated at a table right at the back of the restaurant, out of the view of others. It’s a booth so I have to push the table out to fit inside which is annoying but I soon cheer up when I see the menu. It’s very diverse and I am starving.

“Ordered enough food?” He jokes, sliding closer to me.

I shake my head, “I want desert too.”

“Have whatever you want,” he smiles and glances at my stomach. “It’s the only time of your life you have an excuse to eat like a very large man.”

I laugh at this and rest my temple on his shoulder, “You know? I can’t even remember why I was mad at you before.”

His cheek rubs against my hair and I’m instantly reminded of our time on the Ferris wheel. “Good, I don’t like it when you’re mad.”

“Then stop peeing me off,” I tilt my head back and look at him through my lashes. “Reckon you can handle that for more than a few hours?”

“I’ll try,” he responds quietly and presses his lips to my forehead. “You always smell like vanilla.”

Umm… “That’ll be the shampoo I use, and the body lotion.”

“It’s good,” he murmurs. I feel his hand slide onto the cushioned bench between us, his gloved pinkie finger is so close to mine I can feel the leather tickling the tiny hairs. My hand moves closer, only slightly,

The waitress comes and for some reason I move away after feeling a pang of guilt for being so close to another man. What is wrong with me?

We fall silent after ordering, Nathan taps away at his phone as I twiddle my thumbs and wait for the food to arrive.

“Oh my god, Nathan?” A high pitched squeal comes from an unknown female with dark wavy hair and a smile wider than the world itself. “When Tracey called…”

Nathan stares at the female for a moment, “Diane?”

“Umm… yes,” she puts her hands on her hips and pouts like an infant. “You do remember me don’t you?”

“Do you?” I tease him which earns me a glare.

Her eyes immediately come to me and her smile drops. I’m hardly invisible. “Who’s your friend?”

“None of your concern,” he bites out and leans forward. “Can I help you with anything, Diane?”

I shrink in my seat, this is awkward.

She hesitates for a moment, “No, I just wanted to say hi.”

“And who was it that told you I was here?” He’s definitely irritated.

The waitress chooses this moment to bring out our food, I sit up and thank her on a whisper. She senses the tense atmosphere and quietly slinks away, I don’t blame her. I feel like hiding under the table right now.

“Tracey called, she saw you come in. Though she didn’t mention her,” She nods to me and frowns. I give her a little finger wag and stare at my food. Should I start eating without him? Yes I should.

“Okay, well hello Diane,” He gives her a pointed look. She just doesn’t get it. “Goodbye, Diane.”

Finally she blinks herself out of her stupor, “Call me.”

“Honestly?” I can feel his anger. Ooh, she brought me sauces. “I could be sat here with my wife.”

She looks at me, “You his wife?”

I open my mouth to respond but think better of it and continue testing the dips with spiced potato wedges.

“You need to leave,” Nathan warns, his eyes narrowed. “And next time you see me, don’t acknowledge me.” Ouch, that one has to hurt.

Her mouth falls open and pain flashes across her eyes, “Wow. What an arsehole. I was just saying hello.”

“And then you told me to call you in front of my pregnant wife.” Wait… what?

She looks at me, her brows raised, “You his pregnant wife?”

I open my mouth to respond but Nathan cuts me off, “Stop talking to her.”

“I’ll talk to whoever I choose, just because we fucked doesn’t mean you hold any kind of authority over me.”

Nathan closes his eyes briefly and lets out a breath.

I hold up a chicken wing in front of Nathan, “Want some?”

“In a second,” his hand goes to my wrist and slowly lowers it back to the table. “Are you finished?”

“Definitely,” Diane spits and turns on her heel. “You weren’t that good anyway.” Then she looks at me. “Good luck having a life without oral.”

Then she leaves and I can’t hold it back. I laugh and laugh and laugh. I laugh harder than I have in ages and for once, I don’t feel guilty about it. “A life without oral huh?”

“Shut up,” he bites out.

“I’m going to have to divorce you for that reason alone,” I choke through my laughter and slide down my seat a little.

He shakes his head but I see his lips stretch into a smile. “It isn’t amusing in the slightest.”

“Oh, it totally is,” I gasp and continue laughing. “Best lunch date ever.”