Page 77 of Broken (Broken 1)

He’s a riddle.

I manage to roll out of bed just after nine and get ready by nine thirty. By ten I have breakfast made and served but I hold no hopes that I’ll be dining with anyone this morn. Jeanine doesn’t work Saturdays and Nathan has been a no show for the past week.

The baby tumbles and twists in my stomach. It’s extremely uncomfortable.

With a heavy sigh I sit back and pull up my shirt to reveal the stretched skin. It’s surface shiny and moving as hidden limbs press against it from underneath.

That is really weird.

I can see it.

“CAL…” I start to shout and bite my tongue to stop myself. “NATHAN!” I shout instead. He doesn’t respond so I shout louder.

“Yes?” He calls and I hear his footsteps along the first floor.

I wait for him at the bottom of the stairs, “You have to see this. It’s like something out of Alien.”

“What is?” He looks perplexed, not that I blame him.

After walking into the room I sit on the couch and slowly lift my shirt once more.

“What are you doing?” Nathan looks panicked.

I smile and beckon him closer, “Look!” I prod my belly and watch as it jiggles and moves ever so slightly. “Isn’t that weird?”

He kneels on one knee by my legs to get a closer look, his brow furrowed, “That’s definitely weird.”

I snort and place my hand on the top of it, smiling as I feel the kicks as well as see them.

“May I?” He asks, his brows still furrowed.

I shrug, “Sure.”

Teasing his lower lip with his tongue, he reaches forward and places one gloved hand on my stomach. The baby wiggles again and his hand moves back in a flash. He flexes his fingers and this time moves both hands to my stomach. “That’s amazing,” he says and strokes his glove clad hands all over my bump. His eyes sparkle as they meet mine. “Does it hurt?”

“It’s a new feeling, so it is slightly uncomfortable,” I admit and watch as Nathan continues to feel the baby move. “Your hair needs cutting,” I say, reaching forward with my hand to tuck the longish dark locks behind his ear. It almost immediately pings back forward but it’s nearly at the length that Caleb used to have it. “You’ve been hiding in your room for too long.”

His fingers slide up my sides. I inhale a sharp breath. What is he doing?

They hook around the edge of my shirt and slowly slide it over my belly. His eyes come to mine and stare intensely. “Let’s go out.”


“To the city, we’ll stay the night.”

“Okay,” I breathe, wanting to turn my eyes away but not having the willpower to do so. “Why?”

“Baby equipment, you only have four months left.”

“Four months and two weeks,” I correct him.

He rolls his eyes, “Don’t split hairs.”

“Ugh, my mum used to say that to me,” I mumble and let him pull me off the couch.

“Stay here, I’ll gather our things.”


He gives me a quick nod before leaving the room. How does he know what things I need? I’m a little uncomfortable with him going through my underwear drawer.

On that thought I dash up the stairs and into my bedroom where a bag is open on my bed and Nathan is walking back and forth, placing things in neatly. “This is weird.”

“I told you to wait downstairs.”

“I couldn’t resist watching you pack my bag. It’s a little odd.”

He frowns at me, all the while folding a dress top, “Didn’t Caleb ever pack a bag for you?”

“Yes but…”

“Then why shouldn’t I?”

Is he serious? “Are you serious?”


“Because I was… you know… with Caleb.”

His lips twitch, “You were what with Caleb?”

I watch him place a top of mine into the bag, my cheeks heating. “I think that’s pretty obvious considering my predicament.”

He lets out a light laugh, his almost chocolate eyes sparkling with humour, “If I didn’t know you were pregnant, I’d think you were a virgin.”

Splutter, “I… This is not a normal conversation. Besides, we were all virgins once, it’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

His hand stops on the zipper midway across the bag and a dark look comes over his features, “Yes. Once.”

“Shall we go? Or would you like me to pack your bag for you?” I’m joking obviously, I don’t think he knows that though because his brow quirks. “I desire nothing more than to randomly start going through your underwear drawers.”

“I was just trying to be nice, besides, I didn’t actually look. I only glanced,” he sighs and places my bag on his shoulder.

“That’s what they all say.”

“Who?” He doesn’t actually sound interested, more irritated and bored of my teasing.

“Men who’re caught going through your underwear drawer,” I joke and elbow him in the arm.

He sighs again and gives me a gentle nudge towards the stairs, “Quickly before I change my mind and give you a cardboard box and a single nappy to live on.”