Page 62 of Broken (Broken 1)

He should really see somebody about his germ issue.

We arrive at his office at no later than seven fifteen which annoys me because I was hoping to sleep in until at least nine. Plus the way he woke me up wasn’t exactly nice.

He stood over the bed and shouted, “GWEN!” Louder than was necessary. I almost peed myself during my incessant flailing that tangled me in the bedding. He thought it was hilarious. It’s nice to see him laugh though. His laugh is wonderful, it’s contagious and I found myself wanting to laugh with him.

“Why can’t you do this at home?” I ask, my chin resting on my hands as I sleepily watch him work on the computer in his dad’s office.

“Because I can only access certain files from my home computer and these need to be done today.”

“Do you want a drink?” I ask, eager to change the subject from files just in case he decides to give me a lesson in exports, imports and stocks.

“I’ll ask Sammy.”

“It’s Sophie,” I correct and shake my head. “She has a crush on you.”

His cheeks seem to pink slightly, “Huh. I didn’t notice.”

“Yep,” I spin in my seat, stopping as I face him. “She was devastated when you forgot her name yesterday.”

“Huh,” he murmurs and places his leather clad hand on the phone.

“I want to make the drinks, I’m bored.”

“I’d rather you didn’t,” he frowns and glances down at my stomach.

Well that makes no sense, “I’m pregnant not an invalid, besides, I cook for you at home all of the time.”

“Do as you wish,” he waves his hand in the air. “I’ll take a coffee bla…”

“Black one sugar, got it. I’ll even rinse the cup out six times just for you,” I remark and waddle towards the door.

“You have a mean streak, joking about a real condition,” he teases and flexes his hands seemingly without realising.

I place my hand on the door and I’m just about to pull it open when it’s pushed wide open. My body lurches backwards as it connects with my arm. Ouch. Before I lose my balance entirely I manage to right myself and Nathan rushes to my side.

“Are you alright?” He asks, scanning me from head to toe with worried eyes. After I nod he turns to the intruder, I see his body visibly tense and peek around him to see who it is. It’s his dad, and his mum.

Both Nathan and Caleb share their mother’s eyes but everything else belongs to their father. It’s strange to look at. He’s one of those people that age well. Like George Clooney or Richard Gere. Still handsome after they passed their prime.

I gulp when his mother’s cold eyes narrow on me. Nathan closes the door, his eyes still on his father who’s staring at me with shock and disgust. “Explain.” He barks at Nathan who just stands silently; his jaw tense, his eyes slightly wide.

“Why is she here?” His mother hisses, forcing me to wince at the bitterness to her tone.

“She’s my guest,” Nathan responds, his tongue marking his lower lip.

“Your guest?” His mother shrieks and looks back at me. “How can you even think of having that… that… slut, as your guest?”

My mouth drops open and Nathan’s body tenses further, I remain behind him, my heart racing with fear. “She’s carrying Caleb’s child,” Nathan says and shifts on the spot.

“So she says,” his father adds and my temper rises. How dare he?

“Why are you still standing there?” His mother shouts at me, my hands instantly go to my stomach. How do I react to this? “Leave!”

Nathan steps to the right, blocking them from view, “She’ll stay as long as she desires. She’s my guest.”

“She’s nothing but a whore,” his mother adds, trying to lean around Nathan so she can see me and spit her venomous words at my face.

“Mother,” Mother? Why not mum? “Watch your language.”

“You’ll get rid of her,” his father snaps and walks towards us. “Send her back. That’s an order.” Well I see where Nathan gets his controlling tendencies from. Now I’m really freaking out. Get rid of me? Where will I go?

“She’s carrying your grandchild,” Nathan bites out, his body turning so his hand can wrap around my bicep and bring me closer. I’m grateful for the support.

“That’s no grandchild of mine,” his mother sneers, her eyes now on me. Damn it if I wasn’t pregnant I’d be cussing at her right now. How dare she? “Don’t you care that she ripped our Caleb from us?”

“He’s doing this to spite us,” his father laughs but there’s no humour to it. “Forever the disappointment.”

“What?” I gasp and look up at Nathan. He glances at me out of the corner of his eyes, warning me to be quiet. I won’t. “How can you say that?”

“Listen to her, she sounds so… common,” his mother spits, her mouth curling in disgust. “You make me want to spit.” Oooh, big words…