Page 42 of Broken (Broken 1)

After half an hour and a cup of tea she leaves me in the kitchen and goes about her business.

Now what do I do? I guess I could see what’s on the TV. Hopefully something interesting.

Chapter Eight

Two days slowly pass by and I get no word from Nathan. Not that I want nor need word from him. I’m absolutely exhausted. Today I walked two miles out instead of just the one and almost got lost on my way back. Tomorrow I’m going to take a piece of chalk and mark the trees as I go so I don’t get lost. My skills at exploring are definitely below par.

I also need some walking boots and some more clothes. All of my things are still in Nathan’s car which is irritating. The only thing I brought in is my rucksack. I wonder what made him in such a rush that he couldn’t spend twenty minutes bringing in my things.


It’s late, I’m currently curled up on the couch in a robe which Jeanine brought for me this morning. I’m wearing the matching night gown beneath which is satin and feels amazing against my oversensitive skin and especially my belly. It fits perfect, snug around the breasts but floats over my belly and back like a silky cloud.

Caleb loved satin, he tried to make me buy satin bed sheets but they’re irritating when it’s warm and the quilt inside the cover never stays in place.

My eyes burn, I refuse to cry. But sometimes even though you tell yourself not to cry, you can’t help it.

I miss him so much and the baby’s kicking. Every time I’d feel a flutter, Caleb would instantly put his hands or his head there if he wasn’t busy. Even though he couldn’t feel it, he liked sharing the experience with me.

He’s never even going to get to hold him, never going to see his first smile.

I can’t stop them as they flow down my cheeks. This time I don’t try. I cry so much exhaustion sweeps through me. My eyes drift shut but I don’t feel like moving so I don’t go to bed. There’s no point.

Something is sliding under my legs. That tickles. “Hmm,” I murmur, my eyes still shut. My arms go around the neck of whoever is lifting me as a strong arm snakes around my back. I press my forehead to his neck and inhale deeply. He smells like fresh linen and a cologne I don’t know the name of. It smells wonderful. Kind of spicy but also sweet. Manly. “I’m heavy,” I mumble but get no response.

From his scent alone I know he’s not Caleb but part of me can’t help wishing.

“Go back to sleep,” he whispers and begins walking.

“Uh-huh,” I say, my lids still shut. This earns me a gentle squeeze.

I wake to the sound of curtains being pulled open. Ugh. “Morning. It’s almost eleven twenty, somebody must have been tired.”

“Hello Jeanine.” I say around a yawn and stretch. In shock my hands go to my bare shoulders. My night dress is still on my body but my gown isn’t. When did I take that off?

I think back… I didn’t take it off.

“Is Nathan back?” I squeak and Jeanine nods with her usual smile. “Where is he?”

“He’s making breakfast.”

“I’m surprised he didn’t wake me, he told me to be up by eleven every morning.”

She quirks a brow, “Well he gave me specific orders to let you rest, but I figured you wouldn’t want to sleep all day and that baby needs to eat.” She hands me two spoons that feel like they’ve been in the freezer. “Put the curved part on the bags under your eyes. It’ll get rid of the swelling.”

I groan but do as I’m told, “Do I look like hell?”

She smiles sadly, “No my darling, you look like a woman who’s just lost the father of her child.” I lean into her hand when she strokes my cheek, I need the comfort. “Now come on, up, up. Get dressed, I’ll be back in ten.”

As I walk into the kitchen my nose is assaulted by the scent of mushrooms and butter. My mouth waters.

Dumping the spoons in the sink I spy Nathan sat at the dining table in the next room, a book in one hand as he eats with the other. He’s wearing glasses and I feel like sniggering but still haven’t reached the point of that emotion yet. He looks older than his time but he also looks too young to look old. I’m not sure if this makes sense, but it also sort of does.

At least he’s not wearing a suit this time, it’s good to see him looking human in a plain white T-shirt and dark blue jeans. This look suits him although I have to admit, the suit suits him better.