Page 22 of Broken (Broken 1)

“I told you to stay upstairs,” Caleb hisses with a frown.

“I’m Gwen,” I say to Nathan and hold out my hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

Nathan looks at my hand for a few seconds before turning back to his brother. “Are you crazy?”

“At least say hello to my pregnant fiancée, Nathan. Where’re your manners?” Caleb bites out through clenched teeth. Why did he say pregnant like that?

Nathan looks at me again but his eyes are focused on my stomach, “I can’t believe you.”

“Nathan,” Caleb warns, his hands raised and his eyes wide. Nathan’s scowl is scary, even I’m shrinking fast. “Please.” Nathan seems to think about whatever the hell they’re talking about for a moment. His eyes narrow so I’m guessing the conclusion he’s drawn isn’t a good one.

It happens so fast, too fast, Nathan’s fist strikes out and connects with Caleb’s cheekbone. Caleb flies backwards, tripping on a shoe before falling to his arse. My hand goes to my mouth in shock.

“You’ll do well to get rid of that before it’s too late,” Nathan says pointing at my stomach. I watch him whip his glove off and start squirting some kind of sterilising fluid onto his hand. He turns and leaves, still rubbing the lotion around his fingers with his gloved hand. That’s weird. What an arsehole.

“Are you okay?” I ignore Nathan’s comment, as much as I want to scratch his eyes out right now Caleb needs me.

He rolls his jaw and touches his cheekbone with a finger, we both wince. I can already see it swelling and have no doubts it’s painful to touch. “I’ll get some ice and you’re going to tell me what the hell just happened.”

“My brother’s a dickhead, that’s what just happened,” he snaps and pulls his arm free of my hands before stomping into the kitchen. “Fuck, he’s got a good right hook.”

I stand in the doorway and watch him grab a bag of frozen peas from the freezer before wrapping them in a tea towel and placing them on his face. “Is that all you’re going to say on the matter then?”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” he sighs and rests his head back. “I’m sorry you had to see that.”

“Me too. Especially since I don’t know what I’ve seen exactly.”

He shakes his head, “He’s pissed that I left him to deal with our parents and even more pissed that I got someone pregnant before marriage. My brother is weird.”

“So why’d you tell him I’m pregnant?”

Caleb shrugs, “Seemed like a good idea at the time.”

“He told me to get rid of the baby, that doesn’t seem like normal behaviour.”

He laughs coldly, I’ve never heard such a laugh from him before. It’s kind of scary. “My brother isn’t normal. Stay away from him, Gwen. Okay?”

I nod not wanting to argue over something I’m in completely agreement with. There’s no way in hell I’ll be going near him again. “Maybe you should report it.”

“No, he’s my brother, he punched me and he left. It’s done.” Caleb says and now he looks sad.

I slide onto his lap and wrap my arms around his neck, “I’m sorry, Caleb.”

Kissing his mouth gently, I press my body against his, wanting to absorb his pain.

“I love you, Gwenny. Don’t ever,” he pulls back and looks me in the eyes. “Forget that. No matter what. Okay?”

I frown on a nod, “What’s gotten into you lately? You seem on edge and you’re always coming out with weird things that you wouldn’t normally say.”

He shrugs, “It’s probably the excitement of becoming a dad. Sorry if I’ve seemed…” Now he’s smiling. “Weird? Is that the right word?”

“You’re always weird, maybe it’s because for once you’ve actually been acting normal.”

“Cheeky,” he chuckles and forces me to straddle his lap on the high stool. “Let me take you to bed and remind you how weird I am.”

“I don’t think I need reminding but I’ll gladly play along and pretend I do.”


Two weeks go by and I’ve finally told my boss I’m pregnant now I’m starting to get a bump, not long after showing up for work late due to Caleb being ill. His migraine has him stuck in bed, his face under the covers. I feel bad for him and want to stay at home to look after him but I can’t. We need all of the money we can get.

My boss, Derrick of Chicago’s is really understanding thankfully. He even gives me a hug and congratulates me which shocks me.

Work is boring and I’m sick of everyone asking me where Caleb is. He’s at home! Obviously. Why is it anyone’s business? If it was me that was off they wouldn’t be panicking, they’d be trying it on with my fiancée. I know this because Sasha comes in with a group of girls every Wednesday, I don’t work Wednesday nights. She tells me about the group of women who constantly surround him but he brushes them off as much as he can.