Page 136 of Broken (Broken 1)

Nathan answers after a few rings, “Forget something?” Yes. You.

“No… umm… Nobody can collect me until tomorrow,” I admit and chew on the inside of my cheek. “I’d go tomorrow, Jeanine has offered for me to stay but I only have enough nappies to last me until tonight.” I’m still breastfeeding so food isn’t a problem. “And he doesn’t have any pyjamas or even a place to sleep.”

He doesn’t speak for a long moment, “I’ll take you but it won’t be until later. I’m actually on my way to deal with a few things.”

“I also still have your house keys,” I tell him and pat my pocket for confirmation.

“I’ll pick them up when I pick you up.” He pauses for a moment. “I am sorry it has come to this, Guinevere.”

What do I say to that? “Me too.”

The longer I sit and think about my actions from earlier today, the more shamed I become. My neck feels bare and I want more than anything to have my necklace back and erase the pain that flitted through Nathan’s eyes when I ripped it from my neck.

I acted unreasonably. He’s going through something. I’m not sure whether he’s trying to protect me or himself.

Indecision clouds my brain. I want to fight for him, more than anything. I can’t bear the thought of losing him but I also can’t stand to be the brunt end of his anger whenever something gets tough.

Also is this person, who is clearly holding something over him, dangerous? This concerns me. I don’t just have myself to think about, I have Dillan now. Maybe I just have to put my faith in Nathan and trust that he’s dealt with it.

Or maybe I should panic and call the police. But what would I tell them?

I finally make a decision, it’s not a huge one and it won’t change much but it will help my conscience ease a little. “Can you watch Dillan for me again?” I ask Jeanine, hoping I’m not pushing my luck.

She throws me her car keys and waves me away. Great.

Chapter Twenty Four

The house is dark and empty when I arrive. The only car in the driveway is my beast of a BMW. I slide out from Jeanine’s car and pull out my keys.

All I want is my necklace back. I should never have ripped it off and the niggling in my mind is driving me crazy. Once I have it, I’ll repair it and send it back to him. Or I’ll keep it. I haven’t decided yet.

I tiptoe up the stairs, feeling like a criminal and praying that Nathan didn’t think to lock his bedroom door.

He didn’t. Thank god.

I don’t flick on the light, the room is dim but I can see where I’m going.

Using the camera flash as a torch, I drop down onto my knees in his closet and seek out the gold pendent.

Almost immediately, in the far corner, the tiny red jewel sparkles at me. I smile and shuffle forward before grasping it with one hand. I pick it up but the chain gets stuck on something, causing me to drop it. Must be a loose nail it has snagged on. There are clothes above making it pitch black, I feel for the end of the chain with difficulty.

I use my phone again and purse my lips when I see the chain is stuck between the skirting board and the floor. What are the odds?

I give it another tug but don’t get anywhere. Plus, I’m worried I’ll break the chain further.

Sliding onto my belly, I pray that there are no spiders and lean my phone against a shoe so it shines directly where the chain is stuck. I give it another tug. Nothing.

Damn it.

It is really stuck in there. I think the clasp has slid through and has twisted.

I head back into Nathan’s room and pull open the top drawer of the desk by the bed. I’ve seen him grab pens and things from in here, I’m hoping there’ll be something I can use.

What the hell? When…? Oh my god.

I grab the photo and blink in astonishment. It’s of me and Nathan on the Ferris wheel, I’m pregnant, my head is resting against his shoulder and his chin is on top of my head.

The memory surfaces and it suddenly dawns on me that this is what he must have been buying when I went to the toilet that night at the fair. My mouth stretches into a soft smile, I touch the picture with the tip of my finger affectionately and place it back in the drawer.

I think Nathan feels more for me than I realised. How else do I explain this secret photo? He clearly doesn’t want me to know that he has it or it would be on display. Either that or he would have at least shown me.