Page 49 of His Father

“Where are we going?”

“His favorite restaurant, it’s a Chinese place. Not too fancy so no valet which means we’ll have to find parking.”

“You sound so horrified by the prospect.” I giggle upon seeing his expression. “Snob.”

He growls at me playfully and bites the side of my hand.

“I just touched your dick with that.”

He throws it away and I laugh uncontrollably as he wipes his tongue on the side of his sleeve.


I push in her seat for her, it’s ingrained in me to do so. I was raised with the manners of a gentleman in public. Though I simply enjoy seeing her smile when I offer her small gestures like this.

“I did invite Maddox,” my oldest friend, who I have known since I was only seven years of age, says softly but with a huge smile. He’s likely finding this entire thing amusing. I take the menu he offers and so does Tempest. “But he said to tell you you’re a cunt. His words not mine.”

I smack my lips. “Sounds right. He’s unhappy with me.”

“So, you were his girlfriend or…?”

Tempest blanches and shakes her head. “No, nothing like that. We were close, have been for a year but it’s never been romantic.”

“What about sexual…?”

I kick my friend under the table, he flinches but his smile remains.

“Doesn’t that fall under romance?” She’s adorably naïve and now I feel like the cunt my son has deemed me to be.

Cassius raises a brow at me, likely thinking the same thing. “You went traveling together?”

She nods but doesn’t get to answer as the waitress comes for our drinks order.

Cassius either forgets he asked or just decides he’s not interested and moves on the conversation. “Africa, next year…”

Her eyes light up and I can’t stop the pang of hatred I have at him for being able to get her to respond that way so easily.

“I’ve always wanted to go, there are so many causes over there that are so close to my heart.” She places her hand over her heart as she speaks. I’ve never seen her look more beautiful than in this moment with a fiery determination in her eyes and a confidence to her body language that she doesn’t usually have.

I wish I brought my camera.

“Why did you get into traveling to impoverished places, or how?” He keeps his eyes on her and I want to kick him again. He likes her and if what he’s saying is true, he’s divorced now which means he’ll be looking for something to fill that gap.

I’d like to say he wouldn’t fuck someone who I’m close to but right now I’m not so sure. Perhaps I’m being paranoid.

I did plough his wife once, with his permission and because she asked… We were young and extremely drunk. So perhaps he considers I owe him one.

I’m being ridiculous.

All of this from one conversation that has hardly begun?

“Honestly, I couldn’t afford to travel on my own so I joined RGF’s campaign. We spent a few months on Turkey’s border, taking water to the refugees they wouldn’t let through.” She’s told me a little about this but not much. “I never wanted fancy traveling. I mean, it would have been nice but at the time I was already on and off the streets anyway.”

She didn’t tell me that part of her past.

When she sees my expression, which is likely one of shock and worry, she pats my hand and continues, “It’s just one of those things. I figured anywhere was better than there. I made friends who I’ll keep for life, but eventually moved onto a different campaign, one where women are held in higher regard.”

“They’re sexist?”

She shrugs. “They were where I was but their culture is a lot different.”

“And eventually you found your way to my campaign?”

Her worried frown becomes a beaming smile. “I did and it was the best ever. We helped so many people and the places we visited were stunning. I met Maddox during one of my rare nights off.”

“Can we rewind back to the homeless bit?” I ask firmly, likely putting her on the spot but I need to understand.

Her cheeks pink. How can she be ashamed of such a thing? Life throws us all so many curveballs. Seeing me now, one wouldn’t believe it, but I was a paycheck away from homelessness too.

“It was after my dad died. I was too old for foster care but too young to rent anywhere.” She clears her throat and the waitress brings our drinks and takes our food order. I’m happy when she orders what she wants and not just what’s inexpensive. “But life became pretty great after that. My dad wasn’t a good man so nobody missed him, not even me.”

“Well there’s no pressure on the Africa thing,” Cassius says, and I know he struggles to find people for his missions so it’s no surprise that he is in fact putting on the pressure.