Page 48 of His Father

I push my lips onto his, wishing I could straddle him and fuck him into oblivion, wishing I could worship his body to show my appreciation but the play is beginning.

It’s brilliant, even though I can only understand some of what they’re saying, the bits I do understand are powerful and will forever remain in my mind. This is incredible. I never want it to end.

We sit silently, eating popcorn until the middle break, where Sargent gets a popcorn refill and more drinks and accosts me with his lips some more.

How did he do any of this?

When the play ends I clap and cheer louder than anyone else there. In true British fashion of course.

The actors and actresses were brilliant, their clothing amazing, the stage props though quickly put together are so cleverly made.

“I want them to do it again,” I whisper, wiping tears from under my eyes. “This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done.”

Sargent catches me when I throw myself at him and kiss him hard. The emotions I’m feeling are too much.

“Favorite part?” he asks.

“When she finally declared her love for Ferdinand.”

“Ah, of course that would be the bit you choose.” He smiles, looking up to the heavens.

“I didn’t really understand the rest of it,” I whisper in his ear, making him laugh out loud. “But I’ll never forget when she declares that she’ll weep at her unworthiness to be his.” I wet my lips. “That’s how I feel with you sometimes… minus the lovey mushy stuff. I just mean because you’re you and I’m me.”

“What’s wrong with you?”

I hesitate, shrug and reply, “I have nothing to offer you in return for everything you give to me. I have no family, no friends outside of Maddox that I can rely on, no money or job, no qualifications…”

“You have so many qualities that you didn’t list it’s almost laughable how insecure you sounded just then,” he scoffs, not being mean, he’s just not great with words. “You’re the most compassionate and kindest person I know. You’re so calm.”

“That’s because I was a Buddhist monk in my past life. According to Facebook.”

“You’re funny, clever… extremely talented.” He pulls me toward the house, away from the crowd and immediately pushes me up against the wall. “Stunningly beautiful. Perhaps even the most beautiful woman I have ever met.”

“Coming from a god such as yourself I’ll take that as a major compliment.”

I relax into his body, returning his kiss but push away his wandering hands. “Not here. People are everywhere.”

He smiles in the dark and kisses my shoulder. “Come, I promised Cassius I’d find him after the play. Would you mind if he joined us for dinner? I know I said tonight is for you and me but…”

“Are you kidding? Why even ask? He’s come from across the country! I’d be offended if you didn’t invite him.”

He kisses me again and suddenly dips his hand into the front of my jeans.

I squeal, not expecting it at all but then I melt because he presses his palm against my clit as his finger sinks inside.

“Sargent.” I hiss his name but I don’t know if it’s because I want him to stop or I need him to continue. Both are tangling together on this web of pure lust, adrenaline, and arousal he’s brought me to.

My head lolls back as he fucks me with his hand, kissing my neck before watching my reaction as I come undone by his touch alone.

I choke out a cry with my orgasm. His satisfied, smug, aroused grin only powers my climax further. I can’t handle it all. It’s too much. My legs nearly buckle so I grip his shoulders as he withdraws his hand and then sucks his fingers into his mouth.

Bloody hell.

“I hate you,” I breathe, feeling limbless. “Seriously. Why would you do that now?”

“There you are.” Cassius appears from out of nowhere. “Come, let’s thank them for their performance and be on our way. We have so much to celebrate.”

“Did she finally sign the papers?” Sargent asks and Cassius taps the side of his nose.

After spending half an hour chatting and thanking everybody who came, we follow Cassius in his expensive sports car to a restaurant somewhere in LA. I don’t follow where we’re going because my head is bobbing up and down in Sargent’s lap.

I suck his length, making him growl as I swallow as much of him as I can take. It’s not something I’ve done a lot of so I’m not perfect but it sure works for him.

He rips up my head before he finishes and kisses my numb lips.

“We’re coming up to traffic,” he says, sounding disappointed.

“I wish I’d changed first. I look so out of place again.”

“You look beautiful,” he assures me, bringing my hand to his lips.

I’m wearing a peach dress and heels but I’m not wearing stockings because I’ve been working all day. My hair and makeup aren’t exactly what I’d call neat after a long day so I remove most of my residual eye makeup and pray that just my mascara and some lip balm is enough.