Page 29 of His Father

“What photos?” she blurts and I see her panic and mistrust aimed directly at me.

I also see Devon’s brow rise. This asshole does not miss a beat. “Just some old photographs he’s edited and printed for me from back in the day.”

Did she really think I’d betray her trust like that?

I haven’t even looked at the images yet myself, let alone showed them to anybody.

We hear a bang and Dev sighs, “Duty calls. Come on, Pest, let’s show you the ropes.”


Everybody is so lovely. They have a strict sexual harassment policy too which means if some jerk grabs me like that Cap guy in the diner then I get to fuck him up and it’s all good.

I make fast friends with a girl who is just a year older than me. Her name is Sadie and she’s lovely but definitely on the geek side. I learn that she loves to watch Anime as much as she loves to surf and she adores science and diving.

Her enthusiasm for everything makes me feel as though I am constantly miserable.

Devon realizes we get along and leaves her to show me the ropes.

I had assumed this would be an admin role but Devon tells me he thinks I’ll do better on the shop floor. Apparently, I’m charming.

I wax boards, help people carry them to their cars, make sure the shelves are stocked and keep an eye on potential shoplifters.

Everybody is so pleasant, the beach dwellers are friendly and calm, there are so many dogs too I lose count during my break where Devon takes me next door to the café and treats me to an iced tea and an egg salad sandwich.

He’s a really nice guy and not nearly as perverted as I initially thought. If anything, he’s extremely respectful of my boundaries and very supportive of me as a woman. He declares he’s for equality and feminism though he could just be saying that because he wants to get me into bed.

At sunset, he nods for me to follow, waits for me to change and then leads me to his white Bentley which is parked in a private garage just around the corner.

“You did really well today, I’m impressed with your work ethic.” He smiles ahead, showing white, straight teeth that stand out amongst his dark lips and skin. “I’m going to work you in on the schedule for the next couple of weeks. Are there any days you can’t do?”

I shake my head. “I’m free, thank you for the opportunity. I’ve been going out of my mind with boredom.”

“You don’t strike me as the kind of woman who likes to sit still, that’s why I put you on the shop floor instead. You’ll rotate with the crew. I like to give them all time in different areas so they don’t get bored. We need to sort out your health insurance too but I’m not sure how that will work with your temp visa.”

I wince. “It’s complicated, I know, I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize, it’s nothing we can’t handle.” He smiles so kindly I feel at ease in a way I haven’t all day. “So, did you end up drawing the stiff?”

“The stiff?”


My lips form an O. “Oh…. No, not yet.”

“Well if you need another model I’d be happy to oblige.” He grins playfully.

My inner artist overrides my need to keep a distance from my boss. “You would?”

His grin becomes a smile as he replies, “Of course. So long as I get a copy of the end results. I’m a big fan of art and I think your idea; The Divine Skin was it?” I nod and he continues, “Is superb. I know Sargent thinks so too.”

“Will you really pose? You won’t be all weird around me afterwards?”

“If I started acting weird around every woman who has seen me naked, I’d never be normal.” He clears his throat as I stifle my laugh. “That sounded better in my head.”

I throw my head back and laugh as he pulls to a stop outside my temporary home. “Let me get some new pencils and some more paper for my sketchbook and we’ll set a date.”

“Sounds perfect,” he replies, winking at me as I climb out of the car.

“Thank you for bringing me,” I say before closing the door behind me and all but skipping to the house.

I immediately race to my journal and jot this amazing day down, then I pull out my sketchbook and my last pencil. It’s dark and smudges well but it’s not the best pencil I’ve used.

Maybe soon I’ll be able to start sketching and painting again. Not long now until I get paid. He said the end of the month and it’s the middle so I shall be counting down the days. This is going to be epic.


I find Maddox in the break room, speaking to some of the people we work with. He gets along with them so well, his moods nothing like my own and I wonder if I’ve allowed myself to be consumed by bitterness. Or perhaps I’m just a bastard.