Page 26 of His Father

Twisting my head, he crushes his lips to mine and pushes away from me just as suddenly.

I sag onto the tub like what… the… fuck… just… happened to me?

I want to nap now.


We drive for an hour before stopping at a favorite restaurant of mine. It doesn’t hurt that it’s owned by a close acquaintance so we have no trouble getting a table.

I had to sit next to her the entire way here because Maddox decided to be a gentleman and let her ride shotgun. Now I have to sit next to her at the table because there’s only three of us and it’s unavoidable.

I keep going back to last night in my head, or more aptly this morning, how I need to do it again. I need to fuck her again and again but what Maddox said before has me worrying. She puts her heart into everything.

I need to level it out with her, make sure she understands that this is just sex. This is about two consenting adults finding release with each other. This can’t be anything more.

I make a pros and cons list too, just in case she tries to argue with me.

Not that she will. I’m not so big-headed that I think she’s been pining after me. The girl isn’t fond of me, I see it in her eyes.

Maddox orders for her when she tries to order the least expensive thing on the menu. Typical. Such a little cliché. Does she not understand that money has never been the issue? I should speak to Maddox about making that clearer.

I insist on not being a part of the conversation for most of it. I let them have their easy friendship without butting in. It’s bad enough I’ve fucked the first girl he’s ever brought home regardless of their relationship. Especially when just the day before he decided Devon is too old for her and too much of a dog. I can hardly consider myself any better than Dev. I sleep with different women. There are very few women who I’ve slept with more than once though I do have a few favorites who I return to.

She’s my new one. My new favorite. There are so many more things I want to do to her body.

I remember climbing out of her bed, leaving her tangled in the sheets, the scent of our deed still lingering in the air and on her skin. For a moment I hadn’t wanted to leave her but then I brushed that shit right off.

My phone rings and Devon’s name blinks in the middle of the screen.

“Excuse me,” I say to Maddox and Tempest.

They both continue with their quiet conversation, laughing under their breath like school children not adults.


“You sound cheery this morning,” Devon replies sarcastically and I know he’s grinning. He’s always been a fan of my moods. Lord knows why.

“I’ve just finished breakfast with my son and his guest.”

Her eyes cut to me but I ignore her look of what could be shame mixed with pain. It was so fleeting it was hard to tell.

I don’t owe her anything anymore than she owes me something. She’s lived with us for long enough to know I’m a bastard in all sense of the word.

“Ah, she still teasing you with those perky breasts?”

I sigh heavily and warn, “Devon. Your point?”

He laughs hard. “Relax, brother from another mother. I’m just calling to see if little Miss Perky is still interested in that job.”

“No, she is not,” I grit, the thought of her working in close proximity to him is making me feel like I want to clock him in his face with a powerful right hook.

“Funny, that’s not what Maddox said.”

I turn away to give myself some semblance of privacy as their eyes come to me again and their conversation slows to a stop. “If you already asked, then why ask again?”

“Just working on a theory,” he replies cheerfully. “If you like her, you should just say. I’ll back off.”

“Have at it,” I reply and hang up my phone. I look at them both and they both look away. “Maddox, when are you getting your hair cut?”

He rolls his palm over the thick, long tresses and grins. “When I feel like it.”

“You look like a stoner.”

“He is a stoner,” Tempest mutters and Maddox shoves her so hard she falls off her chair with a squeal and nearly brings the table down with her.

He laughs so hard he can’t breathe, Tempest however, climbs back into her seat with bright red cheeks. I’m torn between being mortified by their childish behavior and laughing because she really did go down quite easily.

When she catches me smiling her eyes narrow which only makes me smile more.

“Behave,” I tell my son when the eyes of others come to us. When he stops laughing and she perks up again, I ask, “What do you both have planned for today?”