“Sometimes, we went to the zoo once too. We’re friends, I guess. Although I’m not about to start inviting him on nights out and Netflix marathons. It’s too weird.” I just pass it off like it’s no big deal and add a little lie at the end. “I don’t believe in mixing business with pleasure, friendship included. Especially not after Pax. Not that your son is anything like Pax.”
“You’re rambling,” she points out, smirking at me and she looks so much like her son.
I’m sweating too, I think but definitely do not say.
“When you ramble it’s because you’re uncomfortable.”
Ah she knows me well.
“I just panic, because Mr. Conti and I spend a lot of time together at work. People just don’t seem to believe that a woman and a man can be friends without benefits. I find myself defending us a lot since Pax accused us of having an affair.” That’s the truth, except now my defenses are all lies, not like they used to be.
Izabella nods thoughtfully. “I can imagine it’s not easy. You’ve been through so much lately.”
The coach blows his whistle and makes the team line up. Maria waves at us so we both wave back.
I blow out a breath but Izabella’s eyes remain on my profile, assessing me.
“Sometimes we seek comfort from those we shouldn’t during hard times,” she continues. “You wouldn’t lie to me, would you?”
A lump the size of a bowling ball gets stuck in my throat.
I try so hard not to freak out, but I can’t help it. My eyes are wide, my hands clenching and unclenching. “I’m not a liar.”
Or at least, I’ve always tried not to be, until now.
“Of course you’re not,” she places her hand on my clenched fist. “I’m sorry I asked.” She laughs gently, nervously, without humor. “It’s just things don’t seem good right now in Ezra’s world.”
“It’s really not my business,” I implore, needing this conversation to be over and fast. I’m about to have a panic attack.
“You’re still at Laurie’s?”
I nod and scowl, grateful for the conversation switch. “The police can’t do anything about how Pax is behaving. Every time I think he’s backing off he does something else. Laurie posted on Saturday night that we were out drinking at our favorite hotspot and he showed up. Tried dancing with me. Kept telling me how sorry he was, and then threw his drink at the wall when I told him to leave me alone.”
“Oh my God…” She blinks slowly. “You’re kidding?”
“I wish I were. He then sent flowers to my house on that Sunday, my neighbor called to let me know.”
“You must be terrified constantly.”
“It’s why I was so hesitant to come here. The last thing I want is to put anybody I care about in harm’s way. The policeman was kind and issued me with a police-grade Taser, so even they think he’s dangerous, but they can’t do anything until he either gets caught damaging my property or assaults me.”
“That’s crazy.”
“He’s crazy. And I’m tired of this innocent-until-proven-guilty thing. They’re probably going to charge him with harassment, but even then, it’s just a restraining order through the courts which can take a bit of time. It’s like I have to wait for him to kill me before anything can be done.”
“We should see about getting you some protection. Mario would be happy to take you to a gun range, teach you how to shoot? Get you a license to carry?”
I have been considering it, especially since Saturday night. “I might take him up on that offer.”
“You should. No woman should ever be made to feel too frightened to live in her own home.”
I completely agree, it’s so unfair. “Thank you, Izabella. For everything.” I sigh heavily. “I gave up my home this morning. I gave them my one-month notice.”
“Have you found a place?”
I shake my head. “No, but I might have found a new job.”
“Oh, wow!” she beams at me, unable to hide her relief. If I didn’t know that she knows about Ezra’s feelings for me, I never would have spotted it. “Where?”
“Seattle, Robert Butler put out a word and one of his friends has a space opening up in a few weeks.”
Her face falls. “That’s so far away.”
“Maybe distance is what you need right now?”
I nod slowly. “Exactly.”
“Ezra is going to struggle to replace you.”
“I’ll find him somebody amazing before I go.”
“If you go.”
Truth be told I’ve been putting some real thought into it. My feelings for Ezra are getting stronger than ever and I just know if we don’t end it soon, it’s going to blow up in everybody’s faces and hurt so many people.
“You’ve already decided,” Izabella murmurs.
I smile at her, my eyes wet. “It’s for the best. He’s not going to follow me to Seattle.”
At this point I’m not sure if I’m talking about Pax or Ezra.