“Because of you!” I yell and his frown melts away to something else entirely. “I’m leaving because I can’t work with you anymore.”
“You know why,” I whisper, my breathing staggered and the light dawns in his eyes. He gets it now. He knows I know.
“I told you that the kiss was just… it was a moment of weakness and cowardice and it’ll never happen again.”
I wet my lips and his eyes zone in on them. I’ve never been desired so desperately by anyone before. I can feel it radiating from him in waves.
“It’s not about the kiss,” I admit, my voice a breath. “This isn’t good for anybody.”
“So it is about the kiss?”
He looks so confused. “Then what is it? Tell me.”
I place my hands on his chest and stare at the top of his tie, wishing the ground would swallow us both whole and take us to a place where this is okay. “I know how you feel.”
He blanches. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
I murmur, feeling mortified and on the spot, “I heard you. Speaking to your mom. I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop, I swear.”
“Fuck,” he curses under his breath and turns away from me. “You were never supposed… this wasn’t… you don’t have to resign because of that.”
“We both know that I do. Your mom was right. You have to think of your family.”
He turns back to me, shaking his head slowly, his eyes full of emotion. “I’ve never shown it. Never let you know. Never made an advance beyond the… just you know. Not on purpose.”
“I know. Let’s keep that record.”
“I have a wife who I love with my whole heart.”
Hearing him say it makes my chest ache painfully. “I know.”
“But I love you with my whole soul,” he admits, pressing his forehead to mine. My eyes fill with tears at his admission and my heart rips in two. “Don’t leave me. I couldn’t bear it.”
“It’s unfair on Mrs. Conti. It’s unfair on me. It’s definitely not fair on you.”
“I can handle it.”
“I can’t,” I admit, placing my hand on his chest and pushing until he takes a step back. “We’ll still see each other sometimes, I’m keeping in touch with your mom, but I think it’s best for us at this point to not be together all the time.”
“Don’t resign.”
“It’s done, Mr. Conti,” I say his name with extra emphasis to remind him of it and who he shares it with. “I’ll finish my two weeks as my contract states and then I’ll be working somewhere else.”
“Why? Does it really have to be this way? I’ve kept it hidden from you for this long. What’s changed other than the fact it’s out in the open?” His voice gets louder and louder and his hands cage me in at the door. “What are you so afraid of? I’m not going to come on to you or act inappropriately.” He scans my face and repeats quietly now, “What are you so afraid of?”
I swallow the lump in my throat and wet my lips.
“Unless…” He trails his fingertips up my arm and his gray eyes flare with intrigue. “You’re terrified you’ll feel the same.” His fingertips move along my collarbone and I shiver. “You’re not quitting.”
“I am.” I shove him back full force this time, gathering my wits and willpower. “I have to go.”
“No,” he snaps and I squeak when his hand grabs a fistful of my hair. “If you’re going to quit, it’s going to be for a good fucking reason, and not because of a what if.”
“Stop,” I beg when he tilts my head back, his eyes blazing with possession, desire, and love.
He moves closer, sensing the need that I’ve been able to deny in a way he hasn’t.
“Please don’t, there are only so many times I can say no,” I whisper.
“Before what?” His own voice is intensely quiet, his eyes on my mouth. “Before what, Rose?”
My breath catches in my throat. “Before I say yes.”
He pulls my face to his, meeting me in the middle and our bodies and lips collide.
I squeak through my closed mouth, startled by the sudden assault, but he pushes me against the door and devours my mouth. His tongue tastes my own when I gasp, and I can’t pull away. My brain is a mass of the desire he projected on me and my body is pulsing with it.
He groans, sounding pained when I slide my hands up his chest and kiss him back with equal fervor. I could barely turn him down the first time, I’m a lost cause this time.
I can’t catch a breath and I don’t need to. He’s my oxygen right now, my lifeline, keeping me anchored. Our bodies connected.
His hands drag across my curves, scraping around my back and hips, grasping at my flesh and holding me tight so I can’t escape.