He smiles at me, showing white teeth fit for a celebrity and a golden tan that I’m not sure is real but looks incredible.
“It’s you,” he says happily. “Does he know you’re coming? He didn’t mention anything.”
I shake my head. “I thought I’d surprise him.”
“Say no more, go on through.”
“Wait,” I tap my fingers on his desk. “How do you know who I am?”
“He only talks about you all the time, besides, who do you think books his flights and hotels for your visits?” He slides his card my way. “If you ever need any return, call me and I’ll hook you up, though you probably know the system better than I do. I had huge boots to fill when I started four months ago but I haven’t been fired yet so…”
Wow, he’s chatty. I like him. “I’m sure you’re amazing but if you need any help, you let me know. Though you look like you’ve got it handled.”
“There’s always something new to learn.” He motions for me to go on ahead. “I’ll hold his calls for a while.”
I laugh quietly and reach for the door, then I yank down the handle and step inside. This office smells just like him. I inhale deeply as I close the door behind me and meet his surprised eyes.
A smile slowly stretches his face and his gray eyes glitter with happiness.
He doesn’t hesitate, he stands and strides towards me before lifting me and spinning me like he hasn’t seen me in months, not a few days. “Cuore mio. What are you doing here?”
“I came to spend the day bonding once again with your mother. And also, to surprise you.”
We kiss and he backs me into the door, groaning as he tastes me. “How did it go, was she nice?”
“She was lovely. We had a lot of fun.”
He looks around, checking that the blinds are closed and then locks the door. “Good.” His lips slant over mine and I hum when he grips my hips and thrusts against me.
So tingly and nice. It reminds me of before, when we used to work together and play together. Back when what we were doing was wrong.
Now it’s right, now it’s okay.
Now it’s all about me and him.
We dance a dance we know so well, fucking silently against the locked door in his office. He’s so good with his cock, he always knows how to thrust, where to thrust, when to thrust. And when we climax it’s not always together but it’s always so intense. It usually leaves us both shaking.
After we clean up, he kisses me and pulls me onto his lap. “I’m glad you’re here.”
“Because of the orgasm?”
He chuckles and kisses the skin of my neck. “Well, there is that. But… I’m taking Maria to see the new Troll movie tonight. You should join us.”
I bite my lip. “Elizabeth won’t like that.”
“I know but she has to start getting used to it eventually.”
“Maybe you should speak to her first?”
“Why? She didn’t speak to me when she introduced her new flame to our daughter last month.”
My lips part. “She’s dating somebody?”
I assess him, gauging his reaction. “How do you feel about that?”
“Truthfully? I was… perturbed at first. You don’t spend thirteen years with somebody and not feel jealousy when they start to move on. But I’m okay with it now, he’s a good man, we’ve done business together in the past and I hope they make each other very happy.”
I run my fingers over his scalp, through his satin-soft hair, and consider what he said. It upsets me that he got jealous but my heart soars that he chose to be honest with me instead of sparing my feelings and placing another lie between us, albeit a small one. I feel even more secure in my relationship with him now. “If you think it won’t upset Maria, then I’ll come. I don’t want to intrude on her time with her father.”
“Technically it’s her time with her mother but Elizabeth has a prior engagement, hence the fact I’m having her.”
“You’re co-parenting great, it seems.”
He smiles. “And may it always be that way. So… will you join us?”
“Of course.” I press my lips to his. “And may I stay with you tonight? I haven’t booked a hotel.”
“Stay forever.”
“If only it were that simple.”
“ROSE!” Maria yells and dives at me, wrapping her arms around my waist.
I kiss the top of her hair, wondering how she got so tall all of a sudden. “It has been so long I worried you might not remember me.”
“How can I forget you? Did you know I’m almost eleven now? I’m practically an adult.”
I laugh and thread my fingers through her dark hair. “You really are. You’re gorgeous.”
“Dad said that you were coming, he also said that he loves you.”
I blink, surprised that he told her that already. I imagined he would ease her into it but I suppose she’s older and very smart, she’d have seen straight through us.