I hesitate. “That’s not fair. My memory is excellent, I’m always going to feel pain when I think of it but that’s just part of what we are.”
“The jar needs to be full,” he whispers, rubbing his nose against the bridge of mine. “It needs to be full.”
“I disagree.”
“You’re stubborn.”
“And I want you back,” I admit, holding him tight to me. “I miss being your magazine girl. I miss waking up next to you ever day…”
“Will you move back to LA?”
My breath catches in my throat. I hadn’t considered that. “I… that’s… my job and my friends.”
“You’re not ready,” he murmurs sadly and kisses the tip of my nose. “I can’t move here. I can’t leave Maria.”
He’s right. Especially now that he has joint custody. She can’t come with him every other week and he can’t go back there every other week. He has to stay where his job and daughter are.
I hadn’t even considered any of that.
Tears fill my eyes as I realize what I’ll have to give up to go back with him.
“Hey,” he urges, giving me a gentle shake. “Don’t give up on me now.”
“I’m not. I’m just… I’m really happy here.”
“Pick a note from the vase,” he insists, turning me away from him so he can guide me to it. “Pick a note and read it. Then pick another.”
I do as I’m told and dip my hand into the jar of folded papers.
He’s set in my soul.
I fold it back up and put it back before picking out another.
He’s always there for me when I need him.
“Just focus on that,” he begs on a whisper. “Focus on how I make you feel and worry about the rest when it comes to it.”
“Okay,” I utter as his lips touch my neck.
“The vase needs to be full.”
“Does it need to be full for you to stay with me?” I ask, softly. “Does it need to be full in order for you to take me to my bed and touch me?”
He groans, his eyes squeeze shut and his hold on me tightens.
“I miss the feel of you inside of me.”
He nuzzles my neck, making me whimper, and backs me into the table where the delicate vase rests.
“You’ve tortured me for four months with your ability to resist even touching me… can we change that now? Can we let loose a little? We’re halfway there, right? We should celebrate.”
“I want to laugh at how eagerly you’re trying to convince me but I’m so hard I can’t remember how to laugh. All I want to do right now is kiss you.”
I jump up, touching my lips to his for a fraction of a second and he jolts as though he has been struck by lightning.
I feel the same.
We come together after a moment of just looking at each other with such heat and intensity, and the taste of his tongue and lips after such a long time drives me to insanity.
I cling to him, claw at him, grip him as I kiss him, devouring him until my lips feel sore but then I just press harder.
There’s a fire between us that flows through us both, burning for each other as we tear at clothes until there’s nothing separating us but our will. Mine is fighting for the winning team, he holds back until I hop up on the table and part my thighs. When he eases into me, all bets are off and he fucks me as hard as he did in his office that first time.
We both moan, groan, hiss, grasp, sigh…
It’s incredible as always. I can’t breathe for the pleasure I feel. It’s too much. Every part of my body is searing with heat as his thick cock takes me so ruthlessly.
He moans my name, picking up his strength and temp. I moan his, saying it louder than I ever have so he knows he’s the only man on my mind and he copies, letting me know I’m the only woman on his.
I orgasm first, peaking higher and higher, clawing at his back as I urge him on, wanting him to fuck me faster. “YES!” I scream as it consumes me, making me feel delirious with tingles and pleasure.
He joins me, thrusting into me as deep as he can reach and holding on for dear life.
“I love you,” he whispers against my temple before kissing along my hairline, my jaw, and down my throat, still rocking his hips gently. “It has been hell without you. You have no idea how much I’ve missed this.”
“I’m inclined to agree,” I reply, panting and laughing when he lifts me, locking my legs around his waist.
“Let’s go to bed, so I can make love to you good and proper.”
“You say the sweetest things.”
Chapter Forty-Three
The sex is out of this world.
Izabella Conti approaches my table with a waiter guiding her. She looks sleek in a floral shirt and a white skirt that flows to her ankles. She’s so poised and lithe. I know she danced as a child and I wonder if that has anything to do with it.