Page 126 of Becoming His Mistress

Speaking of Robert, we’ve fallen into what I can only describe as an easy-ish friendship. We haven’t spent time alone together since the party and he hasn’t tried to kiss me since. I’m grateful for that, though I think Halley might have influenced his decision in that regard. She hasn’t said but it is likely she told him what she saw happening between Ezra and me.

He hasn’t mentioned it either and we have spoken a lot since then.

I just don’t see myself being with him, not even when Ezra becomes a fading member of my past.

The company phone rings, I answer after clearing my throat.

“Rose Sinclair speaking, how may I help?”

“It’s Jenny,” my favorite operator says with a cautious tone, “there’s a lady on line three who wants to speak with you. A Mrs. Conti?”

I purse my lips. “Izabella or Elizabeth?”

“Could be either, sorry I didn’t check.”

“Thanks, Jenny, put her through.”

The line goes dead for a moment and then hums back to life.

“Rose Sinclair speaking.”

“How long have you been fucking my husband?”

I close my eyes and consider hanging up the phone. Instead I play dumb. “Who is this?”

“How many husbands are you sleeping with?”

“None, hence my confusion.”

She hesitates and I hear her sniffle and exhale a staggered breath. Oh shit. This conversation is not going to be fun. “It’s Elizabeth, you massive whore.”

“I’m at work. Can I call you later?”

“Absolutely not. You can answer my questions on my time not yours,” her tone is soft not harsh, she sounds sad. “You know? I had a private detective follow you both for three months, it cost me a fucking fortune and he said you were hardly even friends… now… did you see him and pay him off before he could report back to me? Or did my cheating bastard of a husband betray me after that? When did it start?”

I rest my head in my hands for a moment, still gripping the receiver but away from my face. “Have you spoken to Ezra?”

“It’s not Ezra to you, it’s Mr. Conti!”

“Regardless, have you spoken to him?”

“Not yet.”

I consider putting her on hold and calling him, but I need to face the music. I did this. She’s entitled to her anger and it’s the least I deserve to listen to it.

“Whatever happened between your husband and me ended a while ago. I’m not going near him again.”

“You mean like the morning after that party two weeks ago?”

“What? How did you—?”

She inhales sharply and bites out, “I could smell your fucking perfume in his rental car, but truth be told, I was already suspicious at your sudden departure when he decided to return to me. And when he wouldn’t tell me who he’d been fucking behind my back, I knew it was somebody we both know. I just… I hoped it wasn’t you.”

“I’m so sorry—”


“Hey,” I try to soothe. “Look, I know you’re hurt and angry and I know you probably want to strangle me right now but save it for after you’ve had the baby.”

“Don’t patronize me.”

“I wasn—”

“When did it start? Answer me.”

I close my eyes. It’s not for me to lie so I choose to be honest. “After the night of the big deal with the Japanese buyers.”

“Oh my God, that was so long ago, but he said… he said it was just a few times…” she breathes, choking on a sob and the shame I feel is so overwhelming tears burn my eyes. “Oh my GOOOOOOOOD! FUUUUUUUUCK! Why? Why? Why? Why?”

“We weren’t good people. I have no excuse. I never meant for it to happen.”

She cries for a while and I listen, taking in the hurt I caused, letting it wash over me like a tsunami of razor blades against my skin and soul. “I can’t… this… no… I wanted you to deny it and tell me that I’m being paranoid and tell me that my husband wasn’t finding pleasure in your body at work while I stayed at home, forever his faithful little wife.” She sniffs and sobs again and I squeeze the phone. “When was the last time you slept together?”

“We should—”

“TELL ME! You owe me that much, you husband-stealing bitch.”

I want to tell her that he chose her… but that would be a lie. It’s also not for me to say. So instead I opt for the truth. Because she’s right, I do owe her that much.

“The night of your divorce hearing.”

There’s silence for a really long time and I think that she might have hung up, but then she starts screaming again in the background and smashing things.

“Elizabeth?” I whisper, listening to her tear something apart, her anguished sobs destroying me inside.

But then I hear his voice, his deep, shocked voice and I stop breathing. “Elizabeth! What are you doing?”

“You had an affair with Rose?”