Page 56 of Dance or Die

“Okay,” Stanley agrees and Lane nods reluctantly. “I’ll see what I can do.”

There’s a knock on the door, I hurry to it. “See you later!”

“Good luck,” Lane calls after me.

I have a better spring in my step today. Truth be told, I need to stay focused so I don’t keep thinking about everything that happened. Kiss in the bathroom included.

“You’re not Carter,” I say immediately upon opening the door.

“Nope.” The woman pushes her sunglasses to the top of her chin-length, dark hair and extends a hand. “Mackenzie Prior, investigative journalist for the World Press.”

I blink slowly, ignoring her hand. “You’re here about the fire?”

“No, actually I’m here because I’ve been looking for you since you were discharged from L.I. and your photo in the newspaper alerted me to your whereabouts.”

“Why? Has this got anything to do with my mom? Because I haven’t seen that junkie bitch for years.”

“No, this has nothing to do with her either.” She glances behind me and I follow her gaze, and we both spy Lane and Stanley coming our way. “Can we walk and talk? In private?”

Stanley stands at my back, a warning presence to anybody who wants to fuck with me. “She’s still a minor.”

“Not according to state law,” Mackenzie cuts in and Stanley pulls me back into the house.

“Listen here, lady—”

“Sir, don’t call me lady.” She swings her glaring eyes back to me. “Please,” she begs, eyes softening, peeking around Stanley’s broad back at me. “It’s really important. I’ve been trying to speak to you for months. I tried to get to you in the institute but they wouldn’t permit visitors.”

“What’s it about?”

She chews on her lip. “Justice. It’s always about justice.”

“Justice for who?”

“For every single one of Landon’s victims. For every single one of your uncle’s victims.”

My heart stops at her words. My mouth goes dry. I can’t breathe. Does she have any idea what she’s doing?

“Get the fuck away from me before you become my victim,” I snarl, stomping towards her so quickly she backs up a step. Stanley grabs the back of my shirt and holds me in place.

“You’re the only one left who might be able to make a difference. We could beat these assholes. They could get time for this.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Yes you do, Mallory.”


She grits her teeth and pinches her lips together, then digs into her pocket for a business card that Stanley takes. “Please call me if you change your mind. I can help you. Together we can bring him down.”

She walks away and I shove Stanley’s hand away after twisting in his grasp.

“Did your uncle hurt you?” Stanley asks outright and we stare at each other, my gaze determined, angry, shut off, his sad, desperate, and pleading.

“Don’t ask questions you can’t handle the answers to, Stanley.” I spy Carter’s truck passing Mallory’s on the road and begin to walk away. “Just… help Paisley and Presley, okay? Don’t worry about me.”

“We always worry about you.”

I run for Carter’s car, diving into the passenger side before he has even rolled to a stop.

“Whoa, where’s the fire?”

He blanches at his own words, realizing what he just said and then we both start laughing hysterically. It’s probably too soon but it’s still kind of funny. I needed that to get over what just happened.

“How were Presley and Paisley yesterday?” I ask, changing the topic.

I left the hospital two days ago and Carter visited immediately after, he hugged me tighter than anybody else but he didn’t tell me how stupid I was. It was nice to not hear that again. I don’t think what I did was stupid, I knew the risks, I didn’t jump into that burning house thinking I’d survive. I jumped in knowing I probably wouldn’t while willing to take the chance that I might.

I also didn’t tell him about the kiss I shared with Presley, it’s not that I want to lie to him, but with emotions as high and as raw as they have been, I just don’t think it’s necessary. Not right now. Presley needs support right now, not his best friend giving him shade and the girl he kissed causing him problems. It’s my fault, I didn’t tell Presley that I’ve been kissing Carter, but again, I haven’t been thinking straight.

I’m not exclusive with Carter, and it was just a kiss. I hope.

Later, he left me to rest after joining us for dinner that tasted like ash. Who knew smoke inhalation could mess up your taste buds? It’s not something I ever needed to know.

He went to see Presley and Paisley in hospital and then the same again yesterday. I spent most of the day sleeping and texting Presley about what’s going to happen when he leaves. He’s really stressed about it all. His dad is AWOL because he’s an ass. He hasn’t even visited his kids which is just further proving the theory that the fire probably started because of him.