Page 99 of Dance or Die

I’m not a violent person, but when somebody tries to cause a rift between me and my boys and my friends, I will put them in their place if they don’t listen to reason. And I really did try to reason with her. She wasn’t as smart as Asher and that is not my problem.

“Come in,” Lane ushers, pulling me inside.

We move to the dining room where Presley, Paisley, Lane, and Stanley all sit around a fancy-ass table, plates set and dishes in the center that are full of food.

“Scandal’s here.”

They all look up and beam at me. I notice a separate place next to Presley and wonder if she set that just in case I decided to come.

“It’s not Scandal anymore,” I say, sitting and leaning in to kiss Presley on the cheek. “It’s Keren.”

Lane, who took her seat while I kissed Presley, takes Stanley’s hand over the table.

“Does that mean you’re coming home?” Stanley asks, looking hopeful and emotional.

I look at Presley who seems saddened by the idea.


“One step at a time,” Lane mutters, patting his large hand. He brings it to his lips and kisses it and I love the happiness I see in his eyes. “Dig in, everybody. Before it gets cold.”

Stanley clears his throat and I know what he wants. We all join hands and bow our heads as he says thank you and shit to his God. Then we dig in just as Lane said and I sure have missed her food.

After dinner we open gifts, I didn’t get anybody anything because I have no money or means to live, but I’ve gone my entire life without it so I don’t ever miss it. Though now that I’m older, I need to stop relying on other people. Stanley paid me a little when I worked with him. I might do that or get another job until we graduate, something I am dedicated to and will succeed in doing. It’s nice having a goal.

Although, saying that, I’m the only living heir of my uncle’s. I might even inherit his estate. That would be the funniest thing in the entire world. I can’t wait to find out about that. They can’t put it all to rest yet because his body is still being examined, or what’s left of it. I hope they toss his pieces in the sea when they’re done.

Merry Christmas, fishes and sharks, bon appetite. Sorry if my uncle tastes like ass.

After we open our gifts… I got a smart watch… so cool… we take Paisley and Presley to see their mom. It’s sad because she doesn’t have much time left and we all know it. We’re all waiting for it. If she doesn’t get a transplant soon, we’ll be planning her funeral. Something I promised Presley Lane and I would take care of even if we weren’t talking.

When we reach her room, I spy Mistress Molly heading for the stairwell and my heart stops.

Nobody else seems to notice her, but why would they? They’ve never met her before.

I follow her a little way down the hall and stop her when we reach the end.

“Molly,” I say, trying to recall our last encounter. I remember her giving me those roses which are still alive today but the rest is a little fuzzy. “What are you doing here?”

She smiles and pats my cheek with one hand. “Magic,” she whispers, dipping her head and searching my eyes. “Is an incredible thing.”

Whistling, she goes on her merry way, leaving me like… what the fuck?

Then I hear screaming coming from down the hall and I turn back and run, forgetting about Molly and her epic quirkiness, sneaker-clad feet slapping against the sterile ground.

“What?” I ask, almost skidding past the door in my haste. The rubber soles of my shoes squeak as they try to grip the smooth floor.

Presley yanks me into the room and into his arms. He’s laughing but also crying. I’ve never seen him so happy. “Mom’s getting a new heart! She’s getting a new heart today.”

I pull back and look at the happy faces. Paisley is dancing by the bed. Lane is hugging Rebecca; Stanley is standing off to the side just watching the exchange.

It’s sad that somebody had to die for this to be possible, but I’d like to think that their death was inevitable and not a trade.

“I’m so happy for you,” I breathe, pressing my lips to his until Stanley clears his throat, forcing us to separate.

“It’s a Christmas miracle,” Lane says and I cringe.

“Oh don’t get all Hallmark on us, please,” I say, gagging. “You’re ruining the moment and making it cheesy.”

She sticks her tongue out at me and Stanley tugs me into his side, laughing at me I think.

“Right,” the nurse declares when she enters the room with an equally big smile on her face. “Everyone out. Rebecca needs her rest before the surgery.”