Page 61 of Dance or Die

“Hey,” he whispered after knocking lightly on the door and hearing me call for whoever it was to enter. “She okay?”

I nodded and motioned for him to get her. “My arm’s dead, but she’s so peaceful.”

Smiling, he lifted her and moved her to her own makeshift bed at the end of mine. A futon mattress on the floor with pink bedding that she chose herself. He tucked her in, kissed her head and I wondered how long he’d been her dad and not her brother. He acts like her father, it’s sweet but sad.

Then he sat on my bed and rubbed his eyes with the heels of his palms. “Are you okay with me being here?”

“Of course.”

“You’ll tell me if you’re not?”

I smiled and winked at him. “Of course.”

Then he kissed my forehead and left my room. It was insanely sweet but then… so is he, deep down.

She climbed back into my bed an hour after I fell asleep and has done the same thing every night since.

It’s been a weird-ass few days since, but a nice-ass few days.

Paisley is a good kid, really quiet and plays nicely, loves to color and make things. I wonder if she’s so quiet because her dad didn’t like noise. She opens up more when it’s just her and Presley. I find it hilarious when she points her finger in his face and demands things, and he just smiles, acts put out but does it for her anyway. Lane is already trying to break her out of that habit, which is understandable, still, it is so freaking cute.

Presley has been helping Stanley in the body shop to earn a bit of extra cash, so I’ve seen him constantly, and the more time I spend with him, the more I get to know him and his dry humor. He’s hilarious and just loves to playfully make fun of me. We have a great time working together.

Carter hangs out because he doesn’t like the fact we’re alone together. I love how he pouts when he’s jealous, but as promised, I haven’t touched Presley at all, but then Presley hasn’t made a move.

We all went back to school on Tuesday, the day after the junkyard exploration, and everybody clapped and cheered for me as I walked past them in the hall. There was an assembly about me too where I was forced to go to the front and accept a plaque for bravery from the fire department, which I begged Mr. Jefferson to keep in one of their trophy cases. Truth be told, Mr. Jefferson was so happy with that outcome, forever immortalizing the fact the Girl on Fire, as I’m now called, was a product of his school.

It was insane. I was so embarrassed.

There were encouraging and complimentary notes all over my locker and the lockers around it. We’ve also been getting deliveries all week, some containing money, some funny fucker called Jenn Hare sent me oven mitts. It’s crazy. It’s also really nice.

I’ve never had a time in my life like this where everyone is nice to me.

Presley hasn’t tried to kiss me again since the junkyard and I think that’s because we’re all living under one roof. He probably feels indebted to Lane and Stanley and doesn’t want to offend them in any way. So much so that he hasn’t stopped trying to do chores around the house. He’s constantly cleaning, constantly fussing over his sister, constantly doing something.

He never talks, never makes noise, never leaves his dish by the sink. He’s so uncomfortable here that I just know he’s probably going to leave soon.

Paisley is thriving, however, and it’s no surprise, Lane is such an amazing foster mom. I feel bad that she never got to have a kid of her own because she’d have been so good at it.

“Hey,” I say to Carter after entering his barn.

He grins when he sees me. He’s sitting on the floor, legs parted and straight. “I’ve been working on a slightly different routine for Hammond that I want to try with you and Pres. Where is he?”

“He went to see his mom with Paisley and Lane an hour ago.”

“You walked here?”

“Nope. I got a bike.” I grin. Carter spent hours on Wednesday after school teaching me how to ride, seeing as I didn’t quite get the hang of it the first time around. “I found one in the junkyard and asked Stanley to fix it up but he just went and bought me one instead. The Oakses are crazy nice, you know?”

“You biked all the way here?” He looks impressed. “Did you fall?”

“Twice, but I didn’t wipe out.”

He laughs and his eyes never leave me.

I drop my stuff and loosen my limbs, then I straddle his lap without permission, yank his head back by his hair and kiss him like I’ve never kissed him before.