Page 47 of Dance or Die

“Fuck knows. It was in a gin bottle.” I sip it myself and gag. Then I start laughing my ass off.

“What’s so funny?”

“Stanley,” I murmur and pull out my phone.

Scandal: Did you tamper with my flask?

Stanley: I thought you could use a bit of vinegar and prune juice mixed together for being a little shit and raiding my liquor like I wouldn’t notice.

Scandal: Am I grounded?

Stanley: Did you drink some?

Scandal: Sure did.

Stanley: Will you ever try to fool me again?

Scandal: Probably.

Stanley: Good luck with that. No, you’re not grounded. You will be if you come home drunk. Have fun. Not too much. Don’t be a dick.

I show the messages to Presley and he laughs too, not a full laugh, but a chest chuckle. That’s a thing. I like his laugh, it’s quite charming and knowing I’m the one who made him laugh makes me feel good.

“What a dick.”

“What?” Carter asks, glancing at me.

“Stanley saw me sneak his alcohol and swapped the contents of my flask for prune juice and vinegar.”

“That’s savage.”

“Yep.” I tip the fluid out my window and drop the flask back into my purse. “Guess we’re not getting buzzed, then.”

We make it to the party which is raging already. It is full to the brim with characters of all kinds. Jeff’s parents are making some serious dollar tonight.

“Lame and Lamer are busting their shit moves,” Presley comments as I hug an inebriated Alice and Asher.

“Where you been? You so late,” Alice slurs, looking merry and full of joy.

I wish I had her bubbly persona. She’s always so full of energy.

“Carter,” Asher says suggestively and kisses his cheek. “You’re looking terrifying tonight.”

“Eh… no,” Alice says, her face flat and she pulls Asher away from him. “You want Melvin, remember? You massive slut.”

Asher laughs and hugs Alice who returns it with one arm and crosses her eyes at me like she’s exasperated.

Carter’s hand grasps my rear again like in Stanley’s driveway.

I give him a pleading look. The last thing I need is to be wound up sexually tonight. I’ve had a raging lady boner since we got down and dirty in his barn studio a week ago.

“You look so sexy, I can’t take my eyes off you,” he whispers in my ear sending a shiver down my spine. I turn and slap him around the face with my wing.

“Let’s go show them how it’s done,” Presley declares, looking excited.

I’m surprised when he grabs my wrist and pulls me through the crowd where we greet people with a smile as we go. Or I do. Presley doesn’t.

Carter takes the hand I stretch to him and I pull him and then Alice takes his hand and I’m sure Asher takes hers. We’re like a train of people starting with Presley as the engine.

We stop at the center circle of the roller rink and Presley looks back at both Carter and me.

“Feel like showing off?” he asks and Carter declares as he pulls off his costume showing a bare chest and black pants, “FUCK YEAH!”

“Laissez les bon temps rouler,” Alice yells, raising her fist in the air.

I laugh when everybody screams at the sight of him shirtless and scream louder when Presley starts to remove his armor.

“I am not getting naked,” I inform them as they force my wings from my body. “Just so you know.”

I look them both up and down and wonder how such muscular, defined, incredibly sexy and powerful bodies could belong to boys so young. Though, looking at them now, they do not have the bodies of boys but the bodies of men.

“Let’s do that first one we did for Hammond,” Carter suggests. “Warm us up a bit.”

“This is humiliating,” I say but ready myself anyway as Lame and Lamer both edge backwards, giving us the floor.

“That bitch is tight, she’s got some sick moves,” I hear Lamer say, aka Michael.

I wink at him and place my hand on Carter’s shoulder.

The music changes and we begin. The crowd goes wild as the three of us perform our sort of rehearsed dance. We all go wrong in a couple of places but we deviate and it works so fucking well.

Carter grinds up against me and Presley yanks me away. It’s insanely good and we have the best time. By the end of the dance, the crowd is screaming and phones are out all around us, filming it.

I’m laughing with choppy breath, and when we’re done, I throw my arms around Carter’s neck and bounce with excitement.

We go on to actual dancing, just fooling around, nothing choreographed and one by one we slay it. Presley opens up in an entirely new way and dances with me like he never has.

His hands are all over my body, grabbing and moving me with him. Something I don’t find too hard to follow, he’s great at leading, much like Carter. My body is on fire and clammy from sweat. They’re both the same, losing themselves in the music, touching me like I wouldn’t normally let them if we weren’t in the moment.