Page 46 of Dance or Die

I’ll never truly feel settled because this will never be my home. I’m too old to be adopted and I’m leaving for college anyway, that’s if I get in.

“Do you mind if we swing by to pick up Presley on the way?” he asks, helping me out of my wings so I can get in his SUV.

“Why would I mind?”

He places his hand on my thigh and squeezes. “Maybe….”

His words trail off.

“What?” I prompt.

“I know I gave you the whole speech on Wednesday about keeping things real between us without the added complications… but I was thinking…”

“You were thinking?”

“That if Presley isn’t going to be a massive dick about it… that maybe we can go on a date or something.”

I turn towards him in the dark cab of the car, a blue light illuminating us from the radio. “You want to date me?”

“Absolutely. And I’ll even let you look at my penis.”

“So good of you,” I reply, giggling because I’d been just thinking about that exact thing.

“Who doesn’t love a grown-up game of show and tell?”

I smack his chest, ignoring his mischievous smile and then place my hand over his on my thigh. He keeps it there until he needs it on the wheel and the print of it leaves a burning space behind.

We pull up at Presley’s ridiculously large house after a few minutes and I watch Carter get out of the car and approach the door. I remember egging this place. That was so much fun. So much wall space to work with.

He knocks loudly and I almost laugh at how ridiculous he looks opening the door.

I laugh even more when Presley answers in a knight suit, complete with dark leggings beneath metal plates. His eyes come my way and scowl.

Damn… I thought we were almost past this.

“You coming to the party at BM?”

I initially see Presley shake his head and hear him explain, “I’ve got to look after Paisley.”

A little girl suddenly appears behind her brother and sticks her head between his thighs. “CARTER! Look what I got!” She drags her body through the gap and onto the porch and holds up a tub full of candy. “We went trick-or-treating. I got so many.”

“Now, I know you can’t eat all those yourself,” Carter tells her playfully and her little face scrunches with a scowl. “You’ve got to give me half at least.”

“I can and I will not. They are mine.” She hugs the tub to her chest and kicks Carter in the shin. I laugh when he grunts but duck when her eyes fly my way. “Who’s that?”

“That’s my friend, Scandal.”

“Scandal? That’s a weird name.”

Presley chuckles at that, it’s the first time I’ve seen him properly smile. “I tell her that all the time.” Oh he does, he just loves to get in a dig whenever anybody says it.

“Why is she in the car?”

Nobody gets to answer because Mr. Myers also appears in the doorway, forcing Presley to step out and give him space.

“You going out?” he asks Presley who shakes his head. Myers shifts on the spot, looking guiltily between his kids. “Go on. I’ll put her to bed tonight.”

“You’ll look after her? No drink?”

“Don’t fucking patronize me, son. You know I wouldn’t.”

Presley nods but he still looks unsure. I can also see that he wants to hang with his friends.

He crouches down and hugs his sister, whispering something in her ear and she nods.

“Okay, let’s go.”

“Love you, son,” Myers says, ruffling Presley’s blond hair. I wonder if it’s naturally brown like his dad’s. “Have fun. Don’t be home too late.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

“Later, Mr. Myers,” Carter calls and both boys move to the car.

I expect Presley to fight me for the front seat but he just climbs into the back without issue and watches his father guide his baby sister back inside.

“You look dashing,” I say to him, twisting in my seat.

“Your tits look great,” he retorts, a fake smile on his face.

“You’re such a dick.”

He surprises me by laughing a little, like he did on the porch with his sister.

“Your sister is cute.”

“You don’t have any siblings, do you?”

I shake my head, again surprised but this time by the fact he asked me something about myself. “I’ve got no family at all.”

“Except your senator uncle.”

I frown but try not to because I don’t want my heavy makeup to cake. “He’s not family. He’s not anything.”

Carter puts the car in gear and turns the radio up. “Let’s do this motherfucker!”

I cheer loudly and pull a small flask from my bag. “I may or may not have stolen a little alcoholic refreshment from Stanley and Lane.”

Presley snatches it from my hand and takes a long pull before opening the window and spitting it onto the street. He chokes dramatically before pulling his head back inside and handing it back to me like it’s made of fire. “Shit… that’s vile. What the fuck is that?”