Page 29 of Dance or Die

“Do something,” Alice hisses in my ear.

“My arm is fine, it just shocked me is all,” Carter grumbles and looks at me. “You good?”

I nod, surprised when he checks me over, turns to Asher and snarls, “Are you fucking kidding me, Asher? What the fuck?”

“I didn’t mean to push her onto you,” Asher replies, looking devastated. “Honestly, Carter, you know I’d never hurt you.”

Melvin wraps his arm around her from behind and rests his chin on the top of her head.

I get a thought, a bad one, but I’m rolling with it.

“Wait,” I say, looking at Terry who is with Presley behind them, telling everyone to fuck off, “You’re her boyfriend?”

Melvin nods. “What’s it to you?”

“Oh.” I shrug my shoulder innocently. “I thought it was Terry.”

Asher’s face pales in the darkness and I know I’m about to cause a lot of shit. My heart is beating in my chest. I love this.

Melvin looks at his friend and then down at the tense girl in his arms. “Your mistake.”

“Huh,” I look between them all.

“Fuck off, skank,” Asher snarls, glaring at me.

“So… do they like… all eat your pussy on Mr. Heath’s desk or is that like a Terry-and-Asher-exclusive thing?”

“You’re a lying bitch.” She steps towards me as Melvin removes his arm from around her shoulders.

“I knew it,” he yells, looking at a wide-eyed Terry and a teary-eyed Asher. “I asked you… you fucking lied.”

“You can’t believe anything she says. She’s just trying to tear us apart!”

“Yeah,” Terry argues. “She wasn’t even in school then anyway.”

Asher gapes at him, horrified and Terry blinks when he realizes what he just said.

“Oh snap,” Joey cries, laughing now like it’s hilarious. Jeff can’t breathe he’s laughing so hard with him.

Alice grabs my arm and drags me away as the mania unfolds. Asher starts sobbing and begging for forgiveness, Melvin walks away, Joey is still laughing, and I blow a kiss with my middle finger to Presley who is glaring after me like I’m Satan.

“Oh my God,” Alice screeches, barely containing her excitement. “I thought you were going to punch her in the nose, not ruin her life. I fucking love you.”

“Where’s Myers?” Hammond asks, frowning at both Carter and me as we do our stretches. As though staring us both down is going to suddenly manifest Presley’s form between us.

“His mom,” Carter replies, glancing at me, “she took a turn in the night, he had to look after his baby sister this morning.”

“Right,” Hammond utters and his face softens. “Well, I suppose you two can work on something together, then.”

“I’ve got a routine,” Carter states. “It will work with two people.”

“Better teach her it, then.” He looks at his watch. “Behave, I’m going to get a coffee. I’ll be back.”

Carter and I stare at his back, before Carter suddenly turns towards me. “Feeling good about yourself after last night?”

“Actually, yes,” I reply with a grin. “Are you going to show me this routine or not?”

He doesn’t comment further on last night’s events, he just shows me what he’s put together. It’s a minute-long dance at most and it’s really good but it’s got no oomph, no passion, nothing different.

Hammond returns and we show him. He comments immediately, “You’re dancing with her like she’s Presley… I want you to dance with her like she’s the sexiest thing to ever cross your path but you hate her fucking guts. Passion, Carter. Passion makes a dance good.” His eyes come to me. “What do you have, did you work on anything?”

I nod because I did. I worked on it with Alice after the events yesterday.

“Is it better than this row-of-mimes act?”

I shrug my shoulders and turn to Carter. “Think you can keep up?”

“Fuck off,” he growls, his natural pout worsening as his eyes narrow.

“You know, you’re actually quite pretty until you make stupid faces like that.” I step closer to him. “Grab me.”


“Do you want to learn the dance or not?”

Inhaling and exhaling through his nose, he finally tries to grab me with both hands on my biceps.

“First step,” I utter and duck under his arm to come up behind him and shove him. “I figured we shouldn’t have to pretend we like each other, even in dance. So I had the idea that our dance could be about trying to constantly get one up on each other.”

I see excitement flash into his eyes. “So I get to throw you around without facing an assault charge?”


“Brilliant,” Hammond declares, moving back towards us. “Show us what you have, Scandal.”

Carter and I work on the complex routine, which is all arms and legs moving together, hardly touching. It’s insane but I can see it in my head and I know it’s going to look amazing when put to music.

Hammond cheers us on, giving us tips and pointers as we work together.