Page 28 of Dance or Die

Alice points at me. “Don’t even think about it.”

“I’ve got enough boy drama, I’m good.”

“You know… I bet they’re at Bowler Mania tonight showing off their sick moves.” She wags her wild brows and smiles showing a mouth full of metal. “Wanna go?”

“I don’t know. I’m still the pariah.”

“So? I didn’t think you were a pussy.”

Growling, I give her a playful shove and then, just to tease her and her brother, I lift my leg until it is straight against my body.

“Oh, you massive whore,” she grumbles and I laugh even harder. Then she looks to where her brother is watching me from the doorway. “Can you give us a ride to BM?”

“Only if your friend calls shotgun.” He is shameless. I like it.

“Shotgun!” I cry, racing ahead and Alice grabs my braid and yanks me back.

“Whore. You’re a tiny, bitty, perky-assed whore.”

“I’m going to blow your brother now just because you said that.”

She glowers at me but I can tell she knows I’m joking. “You are vile. Have you no standards?”

“I’m friends with you aren’t I?”

“That is an excellent comeback. You’re a cunt but I am proud,” she deadpans.

She was right about Carter and Presley being here, along with half the school.

The roller rink has been turned into a large dance floor. The room is dark and disco lights flash and circle making me feel a bit dizzy. I can’t remember the last time I saw disco lights.

“This is amazing,” Alice sighs, pulling me toward the crowd.

Lame and Lamer, aka Michael and Glen, are currently in their group of six dancing in the middle, doing their routines. The crowd has formed a circle around them and I spy Carter and Presley laughing on the sidelines, girls hanging around their necks. Their people are with them, Asher and the others.

“I’m not sure I can be bothered with any drama tonight. Can’t we just go back to your house and practice more dancing?”

“Fuck no, don’t be a wimp.”

“I’m not a wimp,” I snap, frowning. “I just don’t like drama.”

“Hey,” she soothes, turning towards me and touching my arm, eyes round with concern. “I was kidding, honest. We can go if you want to.”

I consider it but then I recall her face when we first walked in. What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t put up and shut up for a bit on her behalf?

“I’m fine,” I reply, mentally slapping myself.

I’m being a whiny little bitch; I just don’t know how to do this whole crowd thing. When I got sent to the institution, there were no crowds and most of the other kids there were legitimately insane. The ones that weren’t too headcasey to talk to were actually awesome, but we were never allowed in bigger groups than three.

I assumed I’d be there for quite a while but for some reason I was set free. I don’t know why, I’m not sure I want to know. I wouldn’t dare prod and pry into the reasons just in case my uncle sends me back again. He has that power.

“Let’s have fun,” I say with a smile like a grimace.

“Fun doesn’t make a face like that,” Alice jokes, laughing when I try harder but it only gets worse.

We push through the crowd to get a closer view of the dancers. It sucks to be shorter than everyone else because I can’t see shit. With a bit more shoving, we make it to the front just as Presley and Carter start showing off. They’re really good, they have their own version of the shuffle down, mixed in with some hip-hop. They can break dance too; Presley does a flip I’ve been wanting to learn for ages. They move together, mimicking each other with the rare deviation. It’s good, but Mr. Hammond was right. It’s missing something.

“Hey, bitch,” Asher yells in my ear right before I’m shoved so hard into the ring I collide with Carter and we both fall to the ground.

He cries out when he lands on his arm.

“Carter, I am so sorry,” she says to him as he cradles his arm to his chest and picks himself up as I’m yanked to my feet by Alice.

I spin and find her, furious that she sneaked up on me, furious that she created drama.

“Will you still be my friend if I kick her ass?” I ask Alice as Asher fauns over Carter who is now flexing his hand.

“Fuck yes,” Alice replies excitedly.

I shove somebody out of the way and tap on Asher’s shoulder. She turns, confused and concerned, having forgotten about me the moment Carter fell.

“What?” she spits and I weigh my options here. She’s with her crew, it’s just me and Alice. I could kick her ass in this crowd, get arrested and lose my place with the Oakses and at my new school. Or… I could try to kick her ass and her boyfriend and his fuck boys will jump me. Or I can just stand here staring at her like a weirdo.