Page 23 of Dance or Die

Even Mr. Hammond can’t help but glance at my ass when I finish my stretching.

Kind of gross but also flattering because this guy is hot, and from what I’ve heard, he’s very professional when it comes to his students. He has knocked back more than one attempt from a horny-as-fuck teen girl. Alice was telling me all about it last night over the phone while mentally prepping me for today.

“I don’t even know where to start,” Hammond comments, looking giddy like a little boy on Christmas morning with a brand-new track for his train set. He clicks his fingers and the two bored- and scorned-looking boys stand per his request. “Together.”

I stand between them, distance between us but I feel flanked. I don’t like it.

“Now,” Hammond says firmly and looks between us all. “Whatever is happening out there, stays out there. You can despise each other. You can call each other whatever you want. You can egg each other’s houses and scratch each other’s cars… I do not care. What I care about is that in this room, even though you hate each other, you aren’t about to hurt each other.” He walks slowly back and forth as he talks and I just don’t acknowledge the cunts either side of me at all. “Her body is yours to protect in this room, during your dance. Her body is your body. If you hurt her body, you’re hurting yourself.”

What the fuck kind of pep talk is this?

He points at me. “Same goes for you. They are yours to protect. Their bodies are yours, nobody else’s. If something happens to their bodies while you are handling them, it is on you.”

I give him a salute and watch as he manhandles Carter into position in front of me. Then he pulls Presley to the side, creating a triangle.

“Hold each other’s arms.”

Man, this fucking sucks.

I raise my hands, and after a moment of bitter longing shared between us, we grip each other’s forearms and await instruction.

“Promise each other that everything you want to do to each other out there, stays out there.”

I laugh humorlessly. “You expect me to take them at their word?” My eyes don’t leave Carter’s.

“You were right when you said trust is everything. Trust is everything. You’ve got to have faith in each other.” He slaps both of them on the back as he circles like a painful game of duck, duck, goose. Then he yanks on my ponytail gently. “Promise each other.”

I glare at Presley and say, “I promise I won’t hurt your body during dance class.”

“I promise I won’t hurt yours during dance class,” Presley responds and Carter mutters his confirmation.

“Good. That’ll do.”

We all separate once more and I go back to stretching, purely so I have something to do.

“Now, let’s show each other what we can do.” He nods at the boys. “You go first.”

“I’m not dancing for her,” Presley grumbles.

I roll my eyes. “You’re such a child.”

“My dad still isn’t working because of you!”

“Then maybe he should have been better at his job!”

Presley takes three strides in my direction. “Talk about my dad again.”

“ENOUGH!” Hammond booms, looking between us both. “Presley, Carter… dance.”

Presley, with his expression still twisted, shakes his head. “You know what? Forget it. I’m not doing this. Give the spot to Lame and Lamer… I’m done.” He turns on his heel and heads towards the door he just entered through. “It’s not like I’ll be able to go to college anyway because of that fucking whore.”

“Whiney little pussy-ass bitch,” I call after him.

Carter chases his friend, protesting and telling him to come back. Their voices fade when the doors close.

Hammond curses under his breath and props his hands on his hips. He worries his lip as we both stare at the door they just exited through.

“What happened between you all to make them hate you this much?”

“I kind of ran away from my foster blocks and they put out a missing person thing. The cops were supposed to just locate me so my foster block could talk me round but Officer Myers decided to tackle me to the ground, fuck up my face, handcuff me and twist my arms up my back until they felt like they were going to snap.”

His head whips round as I’m speaking and his jaw hits the dance floor. “You’re kidding?”

I shake my head. “He got suspended I think. I don’t know much else about it.”

“Well, don’t worry about it, it was a long time coming. That man is a violent asshole and always has been. But you didn’t hear it from me.” He rubs his face with his hands. “I guess the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree in Presley’s case. Shame. That kid was going places.”

We fall into an awkward, sad silence.

Then I go to leave but he gives me an incredulous look. “Where do you think you’re going?”