Page 2 of Dance or Die

Well, fuck them. I’m not crazy. I’m not…

He seems to frown and his eyes shoot to the woman. They flicker back over to me briefly as the woman’s hands go to her mouth in shock.

Lord knows what Carol is telling them. I kind of feel bad for them. They’re about to be fostering a monster.

The man makes his way towards the car. His long legs close the distance in no time, and before I can adjust to the fact that he’s coming nearer, he taps on the window and pulls open the door.

“She probably hasn’t taken her pills…” Carol is saying as the small-town air floods the car.

“Traitor,” I mumble and stare at the guy as he leans into the car, his arm rests along the roof. “Can I help you?”

“Are you thirsty?” he asks softly.

“Are you asking me if I need a drink to take my medication with?” My eyes roll to the water bottle in the cup holder. “It’s warm but it’ll do.”

“Actually, I asked because the bags under your eyes and sallow tone to your skin means you’re tired, dehydrated, and probably anemic.”

I snort and answer back sardonically, “Withdrawal symptoms probably. Did she tell you yet that I’m a junky?” She’s a lying cunt.

“She might have mentioned it.” He steps back and holds on to the door. “We’re not so bad once you get to know us, and my wife, Lane, has baked a ton of treats for you.”

My stomach growls at the thought of cake. I love cake. I haven’t had cake in so long. Especially not homemade cake. In fact I don’t think I’ve ever had homemade cake.

“My name is Stanley.”

“I’m…” I pinch my lips together. It’s been a while since I had to introduce myself. “My friends called me Scandal.”

“Scandal?” He looks at Carol who is listening, no shock there.

She nods and cringes. “You did read the file, right?”

“Of course.” He looks repulsed but he doesn’t argue… for now. It’ll come eventually. If they keep me that long which they probably won’t. My uncle likes to keep me on the move. “Scandal it is for now.”

For now… massive eye roll.

“I’m so happy to meet you.” Lane grins and part of me thinks she means it. She pulls me in for a hug before I can stop her. I have to tighten my chest to stop myself from throwing her off me. I don’t like being smothered. Hugging isn’t something I’m used to but being smothered is. “You’re so beautiful.”

Huh… she didn’t mention my lip, nose, and septum piercings. Surprising.

“I’ll grab your things.” Stanley follows Carol to the trunk of the car and pulls out my suitcase. It is covered in colorful stickers that hold unspeakable words and quotes. This very suitcase has been with me for three years now. Depressingly, it’s the only friend I have. So when the handle snaps and the suitcase slams against the concrete driveway, I almost fall to my knees.

“Uh-oh,” Carol whispers but I hear her. She’s waiting for me to have a fit. They’re all waiting for me to have a fucking fit.

That’s right… a crazy-ass bitch fit.

“I can fix it.” Lane pokes my wrist with her pinky finger. “I promise I can fix it.”

“Don’t touch it,” I say as calmly as I can muster. The uncertainty in their gazes is good. “Just… I can fix it myself.” I hope. I look to Stanley who is staring at his wife. “Can I please just go to my room now?”

“Of course, honey.” Lane steps to the side and leads me to the gate. I fucking hate pet names. “This is our dog, Curlyfry.”

“Curlyfry?” I ask as the big beast of a dog pushes its wet nose into my hand. I pat his large head as Lane gives his coiled tail a gentle, playful tug. “Ah… now I get it.”

“He’s a rescue dog. We’ve had him four years now.”

“I’m not big on dogs,” I tell her and jump when he immediately lunges up me and tries to lick my face.

“Don’t forget your medication,” Carol chimes in unnecessarily.

I throw her a look that I wish could kill. “Bite me, fucktard.”

“Told you so.” She says this to Stanley and my temper spikes.

She notices me heading her way and her eyes widen. Fear evident. Though most of it is for show.

“I’ll be going. If you need anything, just call.” She checks her watch and darts around her car. We all watch as she reverses out of the driveway, cutting across the lawn slightly in her haste.

“She didn’t even say goodbye,” Lane murmurs to her husband. They both seem to be gauging my reaction. “She didn’t even wait to see her get settled.”

“It’s okay, this isn’t my first rodeo,” I tell them and lift my heavy suitcase off the ground. Stanley tries to take it but I don’t let him. “Please just show me my cell so I can crash.”