Some months later the ministry decided to deport the Americanprisoners, and the captain of the _Solebay_, man-of-war, was ordered totake the prisoners back to America under sealed orders.

It was a pleasant change to leave the barrack prison, even forcaptivity on board a man-of-war.

Gradually the strictness had relaxed and the prisoners were treatedbetter, and Allen fully believed that the meaning of the return toAmerica was that they were to be liberated in exchange.

The master of arms on the _Solebay_ was an Irishman named MichaelGilligan, and the vessel had only been out two nights when Gilligansought Allen and offered him his friendship.

"And it's meself as would be a rebel if I were free, but, bad cess toit, I was pressed, and so I made the best of a bad job, and will fightfor the flag because it is my duty."

"I admire a brave Englishman----" Allen commenced, but was cut shortwith the remark:

"I'm not an Englishman, but I'm Irish, and my people are all rebels.Will ye let me be your friend?"

"I shall be only too pleased."

"Then you'll berth with me. Sure it's not such a place as I'd like tobe offering you, but it's better than this."

Gilligan held a similar rank to that of a sergeant of a regiment, andwas a man of considerable importance on board.

He had a berth between decks, inclosed in canvas, and, as it was large,Allen had plenty of room.

When Cork, or rather the Cove of Cork, now called Queenstown, wasreached and the _Solebay_ cast anchor, the rumor spread through thecove that a number of American rebels were on board.

Allen was standing on deck looking over the finest harbor in Europe,when his attention was called to a small boat hailing the war ship.

Some men climbed up on deck and asked for Col. Allen, of America.

Allen was so close that he could not help hearing, and he answered thathe was Ethan Allen.

John Hays, a merchant of Cork, clasped Allen's hand and tried to speak,but, instead of words, tears flowed down his cheeks and his voice waschoked.

When he did master his emotion he exclaimed, with patriarchal fervor:

"Heaven bless you and all brave men like you who are fighting forliberty."

He introduced his friend, merchant Clark, also of Cork, and said theirmission was to offer the patriots such things as they stood in need of.

Clothes, or money, or food would be willingly given if Allen would onlysay what was most needed.

The offer was gratifying, and Allen expressed a wish for clothes forthe prisoners. He explained that, though prisoners for several months,they had not received a change of clothes, and that some wereabsolutely in rags.

The next day a boat well laden pulled to the _Solebay_, and suits ofclothes were found for each of the thirty-four prisoners.

A complete suit of underwear, an outer suit of warm material, anovercoat and two extra shirts, were bestowed on each of the prisoners,while Allen received superfine broadcloth sufficient for two jackets,and two pairs of breaches, in addition to a suit already made. He alsoreceived eight fine Holland shirts and socks ready made, a number ofpairs of silk hose, two pairs of shoes, two beaver hats, one of which,richly laced with gold, came from James Bonwell, a wealthy merchant ofCork.

On the following day the boat returned to the ship laden with wines,spirits, sugar, tea and chocolate, a large round of picked[Transcriber's note: pickled?] beef, a number of fat turkeys and manyother articles for Allen's personal use, while each of the men receivedtwo pounds of tea and six pounds of sugar, with plenty of meat,chickens and turkeys for the mess table of the prisoners.

Two days after the receipt of the stores the captain prohibitedanything more being delivered to the prisoners, and took awayeverything which the men of Cork had given except the clothing.

He shouted himself hoarse about the way the rebels were being feasted.

"I heard him say," says Ethan Allen, in his autobiography, "that by allthat was holy the American rebels should not be feasted by the rebelsof Ireland."

An application was made by the Mayor of Cork for permission to begranted to Ethan Allen to attend a banquet to be given in his honor bythe city, the mayor and ten leading citizens being willing to give bondfor his return to the ship the next morning.

The application was refused, and the captain gave order to weigh anchorand put out to sea.