Eli obeyed and saluted.

"Lieut. Percival has obtained leave of absence. He will join the armyin Cambridge when that leave expires. The grade of lieutenant is animportant one, and I appoint you, Eli Forest, first lieutenant of theGovernor's Guards."

Eli thanked his chief for the new honor, and Arnold had bound him stillcloser to him.



"On the choice of friends Our good or evil name depends."

"Colonel, a number of armed men are marching this way, and I like nottheir appearance," said the young Eben Pike, hurriedly and with gaspingbreath, as he entered the presence of Ethan Allen.

"They most likely are friends, Eben."

"They may be, colonel, but I thought you ought to know."

"You acted wisely, as you usually do. Did you meet Mistress Baker?"

"Yes, colonel, and a fair young maiden she is. I wish I had a sisterlike her."

Allen laughed and looked at the boy, whose face was a brighter colorthan usual.

"You will learn to like some one else's sister better than your own, ifyou had one."

Eben blushed still more and was about to leave when the colonel madehim send Baker at once.

Remember Baker had a sister, pretty and winsome. She had been visitingfor a year in New Haven, and decided to return to her brother's home atthe very time he was on the march with Allen.

Baker had an aunt living near Lake Champlain, and he decided to placeMartha with her. Good friends escorted Martha to a place a few milesfrom where the Mountain Boys were to camp prior to their attack on FortTiconderoga, and Eben was dispatched to escort the young maiden to herbrother. Eben had fulfilled the task and wished the distance had beenseveral times as far; but a few miles from the camp he had seen theregiment of guards on the march, and at once thought it his duty toreport.

Remember Baker entered the presence of Ethan Allen and listened to thestory told by Eben.

"Martha saw them," said Baker, "and she declared that their leader wasa man who was noted for being a great loyalist in New Haven."

"So! Let all the men be ready in case of emergency, and do you seethat they are well prepared for attack!"

"I shall see to it."

"Does Mistress Martha feel tired after her long journey?"

"No; she very naively says that she was tired until she was met byEben, and from that time her weariness ceased."

"Natural, very. Eben felt that way also, and his face was as red as aturkey gobbler's comb when he entered here."

In less than an hour Lieut. Eli Forest approached the camp, bearing awhite flag.

He asked to be admitted to the presence of Ethan Allen.

"Col. Allen, this gentleman craves an interview."

"Capt. Baker, I shall be pleased to confer with him."

Eli was rather surprised at the courtesy shown by Ethan and Baker toeach other. He had been led to believe the Mountain Boys to be a lotof uneducated, boorish farmers.

He, a college graduate, knew that he was in the presence of his equals.

"I am commissioned by my superior, Col. Arnold, to ask you to favor himwith an audience."