Talbot told his story of how he had been received by Ethan Allen, andhe did not spare the young leader.

Then came Allen's turn.

"It hath been made known to me that the Colony of New York has askedthat I be sent a prisoner to Albany, there to be tried for certaincrimes. Is that so?"

"It is."

"It hath been told me that I am charged with killing a king's officer,one Sheriff Merrit. Is that so?"

"You are rightly informed."

"Then hear me. Merrit died in New Hampshire, and, even if I had killedhim, I claim I must be tried in my own colony and not in York."

"You admit killing him?"

"I did not kill him. His death was an accident. There are plenty ofwitnesses to prove that. Then I am told I am charged with stealingdocuments bearing the seal of New York. Is that so?"

"It is."

"I can prove that when the sheriff did unlawfully enter my house at theCrossroads he had not the documents with him, but he had seals only.Now, your excellency, I am here to tell you that I hold my land fromyou, that I live in the Colony of New Hampshire, and that the sheriffof New York has no right to invade this colony, and if I had shot himas he entered my house I should have done right. What have you to sayto that?"

Gov. Wentworth remained silent.

He knew that Allen was right.

"Do you relinquish all right to the grants?" asked Allen.


"Then tell the governor of York to mind his own business. I have notyet finished. I am a free man, a subject of his majesty, the King ofEngland. And, as a free man, I ask you, his representative, whetheryou have made a promise that I shall be surrendered to Albany?"

"I decline to answer."

"You were to get me here by a trick, and then without trial send me toAlbany, there to be hanged as a rebel and murderer. All I have donehas been to protect the title you gave me, and my own labor, and I willprotect that labor as long as my arm retains its strength."

"I am no traitor, Ethan Allen. I would have given you a fair trial."

"You promised to surrender me."

"I did not."

"Yes, you did; I heard you!"

Even Ethan was surprised and startled by the voice.

Young Eben Pike had stepped close up to the governor, and was shakinghis fist in his face.

"Who are you?"

"I am Ebenezer Pike, and I heard you promise that Col. Ethan Allenshould be given up to Albany, and your secretary added that he hoped tohear that the rebel was hanged quickly."


is false!"

"Eben speaks the truth!" hotly retorted Allen. "I would rather believehim than anyone I know. He is a child of nature and knows not how tobe false. I am here to tell you, Gov. Wentworth, that we of themountains are ready to give our lives in defense of the colony, but wewill not sell our freedom!"

Wentworth knew not what to make of such men.