"What has that to do with the matter? I tell you that you are myprisoner."

"And I say that the moon has risen and therefore I am not yourprisoner."



"We will soon settle that. Men of New York, in the King's name I callon you to arrest Ethan Allen, rebel and traitor. Kill him if he willnot submit."

The sheriff's posse rushed forward, and Ethan stood in the doorway,unarmed, and calmly said:

"The moon is at the full."

Instantly the Green Mountain Boys filled the room.

They came from all sorts of hiding places and all were armed.

The sheriff fell back, but only for a moment.

Advancing again, he asked:

"Do you intend to resist by force?"

"I do. I shall fight for my home against the governor of New York--ay,against the king himself. Stand back! You have no warrant for myarrest and no writ of dispossession."

"I had, but I have been robbed,"

"A likely story that. If it is as you say, then you are not a fitperson to be a sheriff."

"I own I was careless, but that will not help you."

"I shall not surrender without a writ."

"But you will be a prisoner, anyway, for there is a warrant out foryour arrest as a rebel and a traitor."

"Was that stolen, also?"

"Mine was but a duplicate; the original has been sent by the hand ofSheriff Alston."

"Where is he?"

A man stepped forward and announced himself as Alston, a sheriff dulyappointed by Gov. Tryon, of the Colony of New York.

"It is enough."

"You surrender?"

"No, by heaven, no! The Yorkers have no power over me. I hold my farmfrom New Hampshire, and only to the governor of New Hampshire will Irelinquish it."

"Then we shall use force."

"So shall we."

"It is treason."

"It is loyalty to my country. Boys, these men are crazy; they are sobecause the moon is at the full."

Instantly the Green Mountain Boys were ready to resist any attack.