Page 61 of Beautifully Undone

“Typical,” Brodie said. “Jackson’s always had to be the first to do everything.”

“Not by much,” Lena offered and winked at Mel. “My due date is June 10th. Mel’s is June 30th. If your baby comes early or mine comes late, we could possibly go into labor at the same time. That’s why I had the pregnancy tests available. I was taking one almost daily, but they kept coming out negative until yesterday. I went to the doctor this morning and they confirmed it.”

Lena and Mel embraced then Gabby wrapped her arms around both of them. “It’s your turn now, Gabby.” Lena laughed.

“Whoa, wait a minute.” Brodie put his hands up with his palms facing out, shaking his head no. “Are you?” He looked at Gabby.

“Don’t worry, Brodie. You’re safe.”

“I’m not worried, babe.” He draped his arm around Gabby’s shoulders. That would just be too weird if all three of you were pregnant at the same time.”

We left the party early, well, earlier than most. I feigned a headache. I needed some serious alone time with Mel before we headed back to San Francisco tomorrow.

When we entered the cottage, I saw that the bed was down. Mel must have put it down earlier and left it. We’d been pretty good about putting it up in the wall. The place was so small, and when it was down, there wasn’t much room to maneuver.

She seemed different. Relaxed. Beautiful. Very beautiful. Maybe it was being pregnant. They say pregnant women are radiant, maybe it was just the way she looked at me now, or maybe it was just the way I looked at her.

“C’mere,” I said and grabbed Mel around the waist, pulling her in tight so that her breasts pressed against my chest. I’d been extremely cautious about touching her or prompting any type of sexual activity the past couple of days. I wanted to make sure she was fully recovered from the boat ordeal. But enough was enough. She was fine. I was fine. I tilted her head up to mine and brushed my thumb over her bottom lip.

“Remember the shower?” she whispered.

I gave her a crooked half-grin. “I’ll never forget it.”

“Well, I’m feeling sort of dirty right now.”

“You are?” I feigned shock, but couldn’t contain the grin.

“Yeah. Real dirty.”

“Right now?”

“Mmmm hmmm. I am. I think I should take some time and get cleaned up.”

“That’s probably a smart idea.”

“It’s going to take a lot of work. I want to make sure to get every single nook and cranny.”

“I could help.”

“I’m counting on that.”

I pressed my lips over hers.

“You’re going to need to take these off,” she said, tucking her fingers inside the waistband of my pants and grinning against my mouth.

I liked this new Melody.