Page 93 of Rude Boss 2

With her head against my chest, she says, “This week has been magical. It went by so fast, but I loved every minute of it, Essex.”

“I did, too. Everything was perfect.”

“Yes, and now we have to go back home,” she whimpers.

“Ah,” I sigh. “Yes. Back to the real world.”

“Do you think you could live in a place like this?”

“I could,” I tell her. “But this place is meant to be an escape. If you lived here, you’d probably take it for granted.”

“You think so? I think the islanders love it here.”

“I’m sure they do. It’s home for them. They’re used to it. We come here and we’re enthralled while they’re unenthused.”

She smiles. “That’s true. It is beautiful, though. So peaceful. And I had a good time with you.”

“I had a good time with you, too, Tessie.” I place a kiss on her forehead then say, “This is the same way you held me when we danced at prom. Do you remember that?”

“I do. I always felt at home in your arms and I feel it now. I’m home.”

I stop swaying, look at her and say, “Really?”


“All right. Let’s go.”

“Where are we going, Essex?”

“Back to the room. You know what you did.”

Laughing, she asks, “What did I do? I was just talking about my feelings for you, Essex.”

“Exactly right. In a few minutes, you can let your body do all the talking.”