Page 74 of Rude Boss 2

“What gave it away?” His eyes crease in the corners. He turns to mom and Ella and says, “Has she been on her best behavior?”

“Yes, she has,” Mom says. “I can’t wait until you see her in that dress.”

“It’s beautiful,” Ella adds.

“I’ll get to see it soon enough.” He returns his attention to me and says, “Listen, Cooper insists I go out with him tonight to celebrate, so we’re making it a whole thing. Your father will be there, and my father as well.”

“Aw! You’re having a bachelor party.”

“No, not a party—just grown men talking over drinks about marriage and commitment.”

“That’s a bachelor party, Essex. This is perfect,” I say, my eyes bright. I love that he gets an opportunity to bond with my father.

“Yeah, so I will not see you again until you’re walking toward me down the aisle.”

“Are you ready?” I ask him.

“For tomorrow?”


“I was ready nineteen years ago when I first met you.”

“Aw,” Ella croons.

Essex embraces me and says, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Yes. Tomorrow.”

“I love you, Quintessa.”

“I love you, Essex.”

He plants a kiss on my forehead and then saunters back to the car.

“Woo, woo!” Mom says. “Child, you done did it now,” Mother says. “He ‘bout took your lips off right here.”

“That’s how he kisses, Mom.”

“Well, listen…after me and Ella get our dresses, I’ma swing by Walmart to get you some Epsom salt, ‘cause you gon’ need a good soaking after that honeymoon night.”

Ella throws her head back and cackles.

“Ma!” I say, flushed – completely embarrassed, but I know there’s some truth to what she’s saying. With this man, I’m in a world of trouble. But all trouble ain’t bad trouble, now is it?