Chapter 13
We’re officially married. No one knows that but us, my parents and Essex’s dad. They were the only ones at the courthouse when we said our vows. Everyone else – our friends and family – will think tomorrow is our official wedding date. From my point of view, we could’ve just waited and made everything official tomorrow, but Essex was adamant, repeating the same thing he told me when we were at my parent’s house – he wasn’t going to lose me again. He was making sure of it this time.
As far as work is concerned, I didn’t explain anything to Greta concerning my whereabouts since Essex has me on aspecial assignment, but I do miss my coworkers. Zahara, Ian, Jake, Mauve – I feel like I haven’t talked to them in forever. I haven’t been all that close with Ella either since I moved out of her apartment but I did call her Wednesday to tell her the news of my engagement, especially since she’s going to be my matron of honor.
Ella pulls up at Dream Bridal. Mom pulls in right behind her. We were supposed to go shopping Thursday, but Ella had a work thing and I didn’t want to do this without her. So, it’s Friday, the day before my perfect beach wedding to my prince charming when we finally have time to shop. I get out of the car, hug them both and Ella holds me a little longer, talking about how happy she is that I finally found my man.
“How does it feel?” she asks.
“It feels good. I’m a ball of nerves, but I know it’s the right move.”
She squeals, takes my hands and jumps up and down. I can’t believe you’re getting married. And Essex is your guy from high school! This is like way over my head.” She makes an explosion with her hands, complete with sound effects.
“Mine, too, Ella,” Mom says as we walk into the store.
“Quintessa’s life could totally be a movie, Mrs. Bailey. I can hear the promo commercial.” She clears her throat and says dramatically, “Secrets will be exposed, old flames will reignite. Will Quintessa finally find her happily ever after? Find out in the new original movie,A Love-Hate Relationship With Her Boss, Rated R, coming to a theater near you.”
Mom chuckles. “Good one, Ella.”
I laugh too and say, “Why that title, though?”
“You know why, Quin. You used to loathe that man. Now, you’resoin love.” She puckers her lips and makes a kissy face.
She’s right. I didn’t like him at first, but everything has changed, especially now that I know who he really is.
Inside the store, we’re greeted by a bridal consultant who welcomes us by asking, “Who’s the lucky lady?”
“My daughter,” Mom says all giddy, throwing her arm around me.
“Well, let’s get your measurements, and then you’re free to browse the selection.”
“Okay,” I say walking back with her.
While she’s measuring me, mom says, “This is going to be beautiful.”
“Where is the ceremony being held?” Ella asks.
I tell her, “It’s going to be at his home.”
“On hisprivate beach,” Moms adds.
Ella gasps. “I love a good beach wedding. There’s something about being exposed and free.”
“I agree, Ella,” Mom says. “You’re in nature, standing before God, telling him you’re going to love that person for the rest of your life. It’s beautiful.”
“All right, all done,” the consultant says. “Looks like we’re looking for a size ten today. With your figure, I think a strapless would be gorgeous on you, but I want you to take your time and find some dresses you’d like to try on. I’ll pull some as well.”
“Sounds good. Thank you.” I take my crew and walk around the bridal shop. Mom is already pulling dresses from the racks to take a closer look at them.
“This happened fast,” Ella says in a way that suggests to me she doesn’t want mom to hear her.
“It did.”
“It’s crazy how you went from hating this dude’s guts to being totally in love.”
“I mean, honestly, he wasn’t that bad when I got to know him, but when I found out he was Stewart, it sealed the deal. My stomach has been in knots since we reconnected.”