“It does matter. My name is Essex. As I’ve told Tessie, Stewart no longer exists.”
“Okay, then.Essexit is. Y’all come on back here to the dining room and take a seat.”
“Oh, I brought some wine.”
“Perfect,” she says, taking the bottle to the kitchen.
I take Quintessa’s hand into mine, walk to the dining room and pull out a chair for her. She sits and gets comfortable. Standing behind her chair, I lean down over the top of her head and tilt it back, giving her an upside-down kiss. From this angle, I can pull her bottom lip between mine better and I can’t get enough of it.
“Mmm,” she hums with her hands touching my face. What I expected to be a small kiss ballooned into all-out intimacy. At her parent’s house. At the dinner table. The things we could do on this table…
Quintessa moans a second time, pulls away from me and gets ahold of herself. I sit next to her. Wiping her gloss off my lips, I ask, “How was the rest of your day?”
“It was good. Better now. How were your meetings?”
“I couldn’t tell you.”
“What do you mean?”
“I was there physically, but my mind was with you.”
“Stop it.”
“I mean it,” I say, reaching for her left hand, holding it tightly in mine.
“I can’t be interfering with your work, Essex.”
I grin. “You literally made me undress in my office.”
Smiling, she responds, “I didn’tmakeyou undress. I just told you to take your shirt off.”
“Same thing. It’s cool though. I’ll do anything for you. You have no idea what—”
“I hope you brought your appetite, Essex,” Sylvie says, interrupting us. “I made some biscuits that are so good, I surprised myself.”
“Is that right?”
“It sure is.”
“Ma, I can help you bring the food out.”
“No, you just sit right here with Essex and chat. I’ll be right back.”
She makes several trips delivering food and by the time she has everything on the table, Amos appears like he knows this routine well. I’m sure he does.
Once the food is here and everyone is settled, Amos says a quick prayer and then says, “Let’s eat on this most joyous occasion!”
I glance over at Quintessa. She’s smiling.
I have an idea what he’s referring to, but just to set the tone, I ask, “What’s the joyous occasion?”
“You two finding each other again,” Amos responds. “I say it’s something worth celebrating.”
Sylvie says, “I still remember when y’all all went to prom together. You two were the cutest.”
“I remember that day well,” I tell them. “Can’t help but remember it when you know in your heart you’re with the person you were supposed to be with.”
Quintessa looks at me, smiles beautifully, and asks, “You felt that strongly about me?”