I put on some gym shorts and head to the workout room. Laying back on the bench, I decide to lift weights to burn off some frustration and take my mind off Quintessa, but I can’t stop thinking about her. With every pump of iron – every breath I take, she’s there – her voice, her scent. Her likeness. I feel the anguish of being away from her burn in these overworked muscles, but my heart isn’t beating fast enough for my liking. I want to completely exhaust myself so that feeling takes away the emptiness I feel without her. I hop on the treadmill, jog for a few miles, and when I’m good and sweaty, my phone beeps. Thinking it could be her, I stop the machine, grab a towel to wipe my face and head, then pick up the phone to see a text message. I smile. It’s from her. My girl.
Quintessa: hey
Essex: hi
Quintessa: I was going to ask you what you’re doing on a Saturday but I already know your answer.
Essex: what’s that?
Quintessa: sitting around, being bored
Essex: more like, sitting around, being bored and thinking about you.
Quintessa: really?
Essex: yes. Really. I miss you.
She waits a while before replying, so to keep the conversation going, I send her another message.
Essex: how’s your mother?
Quintessa: she’s okay. I took dinner over there on Wednesday. When I saw her yesterday, she’d taken the bandage off.
Essex: that’s good. How are you?
Quintessa: I’m fine now that I know she’s fine.
Essex: good. Now, stop texting me and call me.
Quintessa: LOL
Essex: I’m serious. Call me
Quintessa: why can’t I text you?
Essex: I don’t want you to text me. I can’t hear your voice over text.
Quintessa: okay…just a sec, boss
Moments later, I hear my phone ringing. I answer immediately with, “There she is.”
“You’ve been looking for me?”
“I’ve been missing you.”
“I miss you too…a lil’ bit.”
“Wow,” I say grinning.
“I’m kidding. I did miss you. I had time to think about everything you’ve done for me and I’m grateful for you. I appreciate everything. Thank you, Essex.”
I don’t say anything. I let her words travel through my soul. They make my heart race faster than all the exercises I’ve done thus far. I ask, “Can you come over?”
“Wh—can I—can I come over—like—right—now?”
“Yes, Tessie. Right now.”
“So, that’s why you wanted me to call? So you could put me on the spot?”