Page 43 of Rude Boss 2

“What about that mansion your man lives in?”

“What did you say? My phone is breaking up.”

She laughs. “Whatever, Quin. Let me find out you were over there at his house chewin’ the fat.”

“Is that slang for something because if so, I have no idea what you’re talking about?”

“Hanging out. Kicking it. Having a good time.”

“The answer is no. The girls at work said Essex doesn’t allow women at his house—only at the condo. He said it was a rumor.”

“Ah, so you’re chummy enough to ask him that. Hmm…somebody ain’t telling me something.”

“Bye, Ella,” I say tickled.

“Don’t try to run now. What else happened between you two after that kiss? Last I heard, you were going to quit and find another job. Looks like you’ve had a change of plans.”

“Um, I have to get ready to pick up some dinner for my parents, so I’ll talk to you later.”

“Sure you will...”

“Oh, wait, Ella—before I forget, Essex is throwing an employee appreciation event at his home, and I want you to be my plus one. Please, please, pleeeze come with me.”

“Oh, girl, you don’t have to beg. I’m already there! I hear those DePaul parties are the place to be. I know the food is going to be phenomenal.”

“Yeah, I bet. I’ll text you the information later. It’s next Saturday.”

“Cool. I can’t wait.”

“Okay. Bye, girl.”

I pick up a family meal from the same restaurant where Essex had brought lunch yesterday. It was so good, I knew I’d be back. I have fried chicken, creamed corn, green beans and ten biscuits. They sell their cake by the slice, so I choose a slice of pineapple for dad and coconut for mom.

When I arrive, I sit in the car and take a breather. How am I going to stay awake during dinner? I had plenty of time to rest at home, but now, I’m tired. But, here goes.

Dad answers the door, saying, “I didn’t think you were gon’ make it.”

“I didn’t think she was coming either,” Mom says loudly from the kitchen. I don’t see her, but I can definitely hear her. She continues, “We sitting over here riding down starvation alley and you out galivanting with the millionaire.”

I flash a bemused smile. “First of all, I wasn’t with Essex.”

I walk further inside to get a glimpse of mom turning up her lips like she doesn’t believe me.

“And I told you I would bring the food. When have I ever told you I was going to do something and didn’t do it?”

“Chile, bring that bag on back here to the kitchen,” Mom says.

“Yes, ma’am.” I pass the dining room on the way to the kitchen. They have a beautiful dining room but nobody ever eats there because, in mom’s words, she doesn’t want tomess it up.

I set the bags on the counter, walk over to mom, and kiss her on the cheek. “How are you feeling?”

“I feel fine. I wanted to take this bandage off my head, but your father won’t let me.”

“Good. You don’t need to take it off. Give yourself time to heal.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. If I ain’t hearing it from you, I’m hearing it from your father.”

“That’s right. That’s how it’s supposed to be.”