“And when is the last time you’ve worn a belt?” she asks him. “Your pants are always hanging off your skinny britches.”
I shake my head and walk on to the parking lot to hop in my car. It has been a long, long twenty-four hours. All I want to do is take a shower and get some sleep in my own bed.
When I get home, I do just that, but I can’t sleep. I’m supposed to be at work right now, eyes bored into the computer monitor finishing taxes for people – not bumming it around the house. I would love to go back but since Essex gave me the rest of the week off, I’m sure his head would do a three-sixty before he erupts like Mount St. Helens if I came back.
But I’m bored now.
And tempted.
Plus, being back would mean I get to see him with his handsome self.Mmm, mmm, mmm…I told myself I wouldn’t get addicted to him, but his cologne, his presence, the way he dresses, the beard, the voice – it all has me in a chokehold.
I walk to the living room and lie on the sofa, staring at the wall we painted together and close my eyes, dreaming that he’s here. That we’re on the sofa. I’m laying on top of him, gazing at his lips, taking all the kisses I want and then we—”
My eyes fly open when my phone rings. I grab it, noticing that it’s Zahara calling. I answer, “Hey, Zee.”
“Hey, girl. What’s going on? Greta told us you had a family emergency so I waited to see if you would be back today, but—”
“Yeah, I won’t be back this week.”
“What happened if you don’t mind me asking?”
“My mom fell trying to hang a picture. I’ll be checking in on her all week. She’s okay—just a little rattled.”
“And how are you?”
I release a deep sigh and say, “I’m fine. I’m just relieved. How’s everything around there?”
“It’s good. The Dictator canceled our meeting yesterday because you weren’t here.”
“Oh, did he?” I asked like I didn’t know.
“He sure did. I heard he left, too.”
“Maybe he had something come up, too,” I say casually.
“Maybe. He’s just odd. He spoke to me this morning.”
“Hey, that’s improvement, right? Where did you run into him? Was it a code red situation?”
“No. I had just got to work. I was headed inside when the Maybach pulled up. Check this—he gets out the back and says, ‘good morning, Ms. Valentine’. I almost peed on myself.”
I laugh and she laughs along with me.
She continues, “I can’t even tell you if I spoke or not.”
“You didn’t speak, Zahara?”
“I don’t know. I was in a state of shock. I don’t know what happened. I was just trying to get to my desk.”
“Wow, Zahara. You had one job…”
“Yeah, to get away from him and fast! You know how we do ‘round here.”
“Girl, yes,” I say, but I can see Essex’s smile in my mind as if he’s right here in front of me. I catch myself before a moan can leave my mouth.
She says, “Well, anyway, I’m glad everything is okay. I’ll talk to you later.”
“All right. Tell everybody I said hi.”