“From my perspective, you were supposed to be at work today and you’re not here. Your manager said you had an emergency, and I’m trying to make sure you’re okay. I’m trying to be there for you.”
“I don’t need you to be there for me. I—”
“Essex.” She pauses.
I say nothing to give her a chance to think. I hear more noise in the background – a baby crying, people talking. She finally says, “My mother…she fell this morning.” Her voice breaks and she forces out more words. “Um…she fell and hit her head. The doctors think she may have a broken hip and maybe a concussion.” She sniffles. I can’t see her tears and I’m thankful for that because they would destroy me, but I know she’s crying and that knowledge is like being stabbed for me.
She says, “I’m here with my dad. We’re waiting to see what’s going on.”
She sniffles again.
“Okay, I’m on the way.”
“No, Essex. Please don’t. I’m fine.”
“You’re not fine. You’re in tears, and I wouldn’t be able to work, anyway. Which hospital are you at? Are you at Emerald?”
“Okay. I’ll be right there.”
I leave the conference room quickly to retrieve my briefcase. On the way to the elevator, I tell my assistant, “Ms. Davison, I have an emergency. Don’t put any calls through to my cell. If it’s important, send it to my office voicemail.”
“Yes, Sir. Will you be back today or—?”
“No, not today.”
And with that, I’m on the elevator, out the door and in the driver’s seat of my Ferrari, flooring it to the hospital so I can be there for my girl.