With a wave of her finger the door to Maria’s cell swung outward. Maria leapt to her feet, her hands coming free from her cuffs. “Oh, thank god.”
“Alright, you two need to get out of here. Get as far out of town as you can get tonight, if you don’t hear from me within twenty-four hours, ditch your phones and disappear,” I said.
“What?” Maria gaped at me. “Why? We can help…or well, at least I can.”
“If Adrian has even an iota of intelligence, he’ll try and use you and Jamie against me,” I said, turning to Alice. “And you, no offence, but I don’t trust you yet.”
She held up her hands. “No offence taken.”
“What are you going to do now?” Maria asked. “He’s got Jamie with him. How are you going to protect him and face down—”
I held up a hand. “It doesn’t matter. Just get yourselves somewhere safe.”
Maria winced and glanced at Alice. “She’s right we should go.”
“Just do me a favor,” Alice said.
I grit my teeth against the first response that came to mind, and chose the second instead, “What’s that?”
“When you’re out there fighting for survival or whatever it is your about to do. Remember while those girls with Claudette may be doing her bidding, they are just like the rest of your pack. They’re following orders. Take out Claudette and you’ll fix the problem.”
An idea surfaced from the chaos inside my head, and I smiled. “You know there’s actually something else you can do for me.”
“What’s that?” she frowned.
Shrugging out of Jamie’s jacket, I handed it to Maria, and turned around, pulling my shirt off over my head.
“Woah, what is—”
“You see the tattoo?” I asked, glancing back at her over my shoulder.
Alice blinked a few times and stepped closer. “Yeah, it’s a suppression rune. Why do you…”
The light bulb went on behind her eyes, and her jaw dropped as I turned away. “I apparently have more witch blood in me than I knew.”
“And what do you want me to do, exactly?” Alice asked, her voice coming closer.
“To break a curse, you kill the witch. I’m guessing it’s a similar concept regarding things like the tattoo,” I said. “I need access to something that will help me beat Adrian and Claudette, both. My first option isn’t viable. So, onto option number two.”
“You want me to get rid of the rune?” The skepticism was audible in her voice.
I rolled my eyes, holding my shirt to my chest. “They won’t expect me to have power.”
“I can’t get rid of it without cutting a chunk from your skin or using dangerous magic. But I can dampen the effect for a while,” she said.
I nodded. “Then do it.”
“I’ll have to burn it off,” she said. “So, you might want to hold onto something.”
I dropped my head for a second, and turned to the cages, grabbing a hold of the bars. “Do it.”
Alice whimpered under her breath and put a hand to my back where the tattoo sat. I felt her fingers tingle against my skin, and then everything turned white as the pain overloaded my system.