A scream ripped from my throat, and I leapt to my feet, but as I started forward a pair of arms wrapped around my waist holding me back.
“Eve, no! Don’t,” Alice Grey shouted in my ear.
I tried to shove her off, but the pain exploding through my chest was too much. All I could do was wail “Jamie!”
“Look,” Alice hissed, thrusting her hand out in front of me. “Look over there.”
“Jamie!” I sobbed doubling over.
“Open your eyes and look, dammit,” Alice snarled.
Following her finger, it took a second for my eyes to adjust to the bright light around the car, and there on the ground a few feet from the nose of the SUV was a dark shape lying motionless in the dirt.
My sobs stopped. “Let me go. Let me go.”
Alice obliged and I darted past the burning wreck, the fire licking at my skin. My feet slipped on the burnt grass, and I dropped to my knees at Jamie’s side.
“Jamie, oh my god, are you—Are you okay?” I demanded, forcing him over onto his back.
He coughed, putting a hand to his chest. “I told you I’d get out.”
Tears of joy sprang from my eyes, and I kissed him, hard, pouring every ounce of my feelings for him into the touch.
“I was so scared,” I said, against his lips.
“You can’t get rid of me that easily,” he chuckled, kissing me again.
“I’m glad you two are alive, and happy about it, but we need to get away from the car that is burning like a torch in the middle of the woods,” Alice said.
Jamie tensed beneath me. “Was it you who made us crash or one of your friends?”
Alice rolled her eyes. “If I wanted you dead, I would’ve let your girlfriend throw herself into the fire looking for you. Of course, it wasn’t me. I think it was Martha or Vega.”
“Why should we trust you?” Jamie asked, sitting up beside me.
“Because I’m putting my life at risk just being here,” she said. “If you-know-who finds out that I came help and heal you, she’ll kill me. No ifs ands or buts about it.”
“Heal?” I arched an eyebrow at her.
“I can heal you, and give you a veil to get home under, but that’s all I can do,” she said, crouching at my side. I watched hesitantly as she lifted a hand to the wound on my forehead. “Brace yourself. This is going to sting.”
I narrowed my eyes at her, and a sharp pain tingled along my hairline. I felt foreign energy pulse inside my skull. My skin knitted back together, and she lowered her hand again.
“Let me guess,” I said. “This will hurt worse?”
“The bigger the wound, the bigger the sting, but a few seconds is a hell of a lot better than months of healing,” she said.
She wiggled her fingers, and the sting shot deep into my gut. Jamie grabbed my hand and held me steady as I swayed. The pain spread up beneath my ribs, and then in a resounding whump, the energy retreated, and she pulled away.
“Thanks,” I said, struggling to take in a deep breath.
“What about you?” Alice asked, looking at Jamie. “Are you wounded?”
“Are you any good at nerve damage?” he asked.
My head snapped around. “Nerve damage?”