Page 76 of Howl

“You’re trying to keep us here,” I said. “What’s your name? Are you related to the Greys?”

The woman snorted. “They wish they were as powerful as me and m—”

Shooting forward, I shoved the standing desk over into her chest. Jamie grabbed my arm, and we darted out the door. The woman gave a surprised shout, and as we leapt off the stairs, a flowerpot flew at my head. I ducked before it hit, and it went sailing out into the yard.

“Get in the car,” Jamie said unnecessarily.

I growled in frustration and another flowerpot slammed into my back sending me down onto all fours. My body tensed, and I felt my wolf surging toward the surface, feeding its power into my muscles as I bounded back to my feet and darted around to the passenger side of the SUV.

I dropped into the passenger seat, and Jamie threw the car into reverse, squealing out of the parking lot. My heart thundered in my chest. “We need to get home.”

“Yeah, hopefully in one piece,” he said. “Is she following us?”

I looked out the back window, squinting at the darkness behind us. “I don’t think so. But I don’t know what they can really do. Magic is weird.”

“Weird how? Is there a way we can protect ourselves from her?” He asked, maneuvering us out of town onto the road that would take us home.

“There’s not much we can do at all, nothing Annie taught me anyway, but if we can get back on our territory and change, we’ll have the advantage.”

“Alright.” He nodded. “So, I need to loose her if at all possible.”

“I don’t think she’s following us,” I said, turning to sit back straight in my seat.

“Okay, buckle up,” he said. “I’m not slowing down until we get back to Cape Luna.”

I nodded, staring out the window, watching the dark trees fly by. “I have a really bad feeling.”

“We’ll get there,” he said, reaching to squeeze my knee. I glanced back at him and watched as he turned back to the road and his eyes went wide.

I turned my head, but all I saw was a blurry shape in my peripheral vision before the nose of the SUV was pulled down toward the asphalt, and the back tires sprung up off the ground, sending us upside down into the air.

Time slowed, and I thew my hands up to brace myself against the roof as we sailed over the figure standing in the road. I squeezed my eyes shut, and as the car hit the ground, and began to roll everything sped up. My head smacked against the doorframe, as my body strained against the seatbelt, and I cried out in pain. The rolling stopped, the world tilted as we slid down a hill at an awkward angle and then the side of the SUV connected with something hard. A tree.

My head swung sideways with the momentum, and I smacked into the door a second time, hard enough it sent me into a world of darkness.

My head throbbed, and the voices echoed in my ears. Voice I knew. My father’s voice, Annie’s voice. All of them telling me to do something…what was it?

“Eve! Please,” someone called in the distance. My heart throbbed, and I heard my wolf howling inside my ears. I knew that voice too. That was Jamie. My mate. The man I—

“Eve, please, wake up!” He shouted, and something shook my shoulder. My eyes popped open. I sat up, and leaned back against the seat, holding my head.

“Ouch,” I groaned.

“Oh, thank god,” he said. “Eve, can you hear me?”

“Jamie, what happened?” I coughed, turning to look at him. Opening my right eye made it burn.

“I think the witch caught up to us, can you get your belt undone?” He asked, shifting behind his own.

I looked down, and searched for the button to release the belt, but the click did nothing. I tried again, and nothing changed. I tugged on the fabric, and it still wouldn’t budge.

“I think I’m stuck,” I said, wincing as the piece of the door that had broken inward scratched against my ribcage.

“I’ve got a knife in the glovebox. Can you reach it?” He asked, pointing to the space in front of me.

I reached blindly and cried out as something cracked in my shoulder. My middle finger hooked beneath the latch, and as I pulled it slipped, scraping my nail.

“Come on, babe. You can do it, try again,” he said.