Jamie slid his fingers into my hair, cupping the back of my head, his tongue brushed against my lips, and I opened up to him, deepening our kiss. A deep groan rumbled audibly in his chest, and I felt his hands come around my waist, as he pulled me over his legs until my knees bracketed his hips.
My fingers ghosted through his hair, over his shoulders, down his chest. I couldn’t stop touching him, I couldn’t bring myself close enough. His hands slipped under my shirt, sliding over my back and I gasped.
“Jamie, what are we doing?” I asked, as his mouth trailed down my neck.
He leaned his head against my shoulder for a second and pulled away, letting me sit back on my heals. “We’re stopping. That’s what we’re doing.”
“What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” I asked, checking him for signs of bruising or bleeding.
“No.” He shook his head. “But if I keep kissing you, our friends are gonna see exactly how much I want you.”
I blinked and looked down between us. “Oh.”
“Yeah.” He laughed. “I kind of left my pants back at the tower. So, I think it’s best I calm down before they get here.”
I pressed my lips into a thin line, barely suppressing a girlish giggle bubbling in my throat.
“What?” he asked, squeezing my backside with his hands.
“Nothing,” I said. “It’s just good to know that I have an effect on you.”
His eyes narrowed, and his lips turned up at one corner, lighting his face with a wicked grin. “Oh, Snow. You have no idea.”
I leaned my forehead against his, “Are you sure you’re okay? You’re really not hurt? That was a long way to fall. Especially if you weren’t ready for it.”
“I’m struggling with whether or not I can properly fuck you on this riverbed, and you’re asking me if I’m injured?” he laughed. “I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.”
“Umm? Am I interrupting something?” someone said from across the ravine.
I jumped off Jamie’s lap in a flash and spun around to find my half brother smiling at me from ear to ear. I growled under my breath and stood up. Zach would never let me live this down, but at least he had a rope dangling over the side of the ravine behind him.
“Are you okay?” Zach asked, giving me a once over.
“I’m fine,” I said. “It’s him I’m worried about.”
“I’m fi—” Jamie began to protest, but Zach cut him off by throwing a duffle bag across the thin river at me.
“Put some clothes on, we’ll get out of here, and then doc can tell us how fine you are,” Zach said.
I handed the bag to Jamie and he sighed. “You know I am impressed you managed not to look.”
“What?” I asked, keeping my eyes studiously on where my brother stood waiting for us.
“I said, I’m impressed you didn’t look,” Jamie repeated quietly about an inch from my ear. “I was naked, and your eyes never strayed. Takes some real restraint. Or so I’m told.”
I rolled my eyes. “More like a millimeter of basic self-control.”
He laughed and took a step out from behind me. He started to move passed, his foot slipped on one of the rocks. Jamie staggered, hissing as he righted himself, clutching his chest. “Ouch. Okay, yeah that hurts a little bit.”
“Jesus, are you gonna be able to climb out of here?” I asked, ducking under his arm for him to lean on me.
“It’s gonna hurt like a mother…but I can do it.” He nodded, squeezing my shoulder.
Wading through the calf deep water, I helped him to the other side, and he let me go to pat my brother on the shoulder.
“So, ladies first?” he asked Zach.
“Nope,” I said. “Injured one goes first.”