“No,” I whimpered, spitting the word through my teeth.
With her free hand the witch pointed in the direction of the sound. “Go.”
The skeletons snapped to attention, and then with a loud series of cracks they darted off across the ground an unnatural pace. The shadows trailed after them, brushing past me and I winced as my body tried and failed to shiver against the cold.
I turned my eyes to the sky. Whoever it was howling in the woods, they weren’t going to survive the night. Not without help. “Jamie, go. Help them.”
“What did you say?” The witch said turning back to me.
“Go, Jamie,” I said again, a little louder.
The witch moved me closer to her by an inch and a black wolf darted from the bushes racing off after the skeletons. Through our pack bond his pain was evident, he didn’t want to go, but we both new whoever had howled would need his help. He had to trust that I’d find a way free, and I did.
Jamie’s sudden movement startled the witch and her hold on me released. I dropped to one knee on the ground, and the moment Jamie crossed out of the clearing I hit the button to ignite the explosives.
Time slowed for a moment, I heard Jamie yelp in surprise, and then the first duffle bag to my left exploded. The one behind me followed, and then another, and another. In the split second that it took for the bombs to go off, I launched myself up, and used my weight to shove the witch back into the range of the last bag.
I closed my eyes, bracing for the pain as my world turned into a ball of fire. Things went black for a few moments and then ask slowly blinking I came back to the world with my ears ringing.
The witch in my discombobulation had wriggled out from beneath me and was halfway to her feet as I rolled over onto my back. My head felt like it’d been run over by a truck. I could feel that the fire of the explosion had singed my neck, and my ears felt as if they’d been stuffed with cotton.
Another flash of light appeared above me, and I winced as a second cloaked figure, another woman, dropped out of the thin air above me. I watched her head shift beneath her hood, but my mind was too rattled to register any of her features.
I did, however, see the bright blue and purple light gathering around her fingertips as she extended her hand towards my face. My heart lurched into my throat, and abruptly energy like the kind that had pulled me out of the tower was wrapped around my throat, making it impossible to breathe. I clawed at my skin, gasping.
“No!” The first witch said, throwing herself over me.
The hold on my throat released, and I took deep uneven breaths. “I’ll kill you.”
“Hush,” the first witch hissed at me.
“Why are you protecting her?” The second demanded.
“It’sher. We can’t hurt her. She said we weren’t allowed to hurt—”
“I get it, but she’s seen us,” spat the second witch.
“Who…are you?” I croaked, trying to get up.
A blue light flashed over, me and I was shoved back against the ground.
The first witch hissed at me again. “Stay down.”
“Knock her out at least,” the second one demanded. “We have to disburse the walkers and get on with the curse.”
“No!” I growled. “You’re killing innocent people.”
“The wolves aren’t innocent of anything,” the second witch snarled.
The first sighed. “We’re doing what we’re told. Now, it’s best if you forget you’ve seen us.”
“I’ll kill you for this if I have to,” I said trying to push against the energy holding me down.
“You’re nothing but a dog,” the second witch laughed and with a resounding whump my world when black.