Page 78 of Howl

I nodded, and as I opened my eyes, my wolf vision adjusted to the darkness. I wrapped one hand around each side of my belt and pulled with all my might. My muscles tensed and the threads ripped with a loud groan, one right after the other. The last one snapped, and I exhaled a loud gasping breath.

“I did it,” I sobbed.

“I knew you could,” he said. “Now, hand me the knife and kick out the front window. You should be able to wriggle out. Your small enough.”

“What about you?” I asked. “I can cut you free.”

“I’ll be right behind you,” he said. “Just go.”

Hesitantly, I picked the blade up from where it dropped and put it in his hand. Something was wrong. Something he didn’t want to say. “Jamie, what’s going on? Are you stuck?”

“No.” He shook his head. “I’m just worried about you, that’s all.”

“Don’t lie to me.” I said, gazing at the foot well beneath the steering wheel.

“I’m not stuck,” he said. “If you get out, I can change and follow you right behind you. I’ll be fine. I just want to make sure you’re okay.”


“Please, just do what I said,” he snapped. “I need to know you’re okay.”

My lower lip trembled, but I shifted around and brought my foot up, to kick the glass remaining in the front window. My foot connected and the glass cracked.

“Again, Snow. Hit it again,” Jamie said, and I could hear him sawing through his seatbelt.

I kicked again, and part of the glass shattered, but it wasn’t enough. “It won’t break.”

“Come on, one more time. Third time is the charm,” he grunted. “You can do it.”

Tears blurred my vision, but with him cheering me on, I kicked it again, and the windshield fell outward. Relief flooded through me. I looked back at him, smiling. “I did it.”

“Yes, you did.” Jamie chuckled. “That’s my girl. Now, climb out and get away from the car, I’ll be right behind you.”

I nodded, shifting around to do as he instructed. “You better be.”

“Wait,” Jamie gasped, as I pushed up on the dash.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, looking back at him. My heart lodged itself in my throat, and my fingers slipped on the plastic beneath me.

“Nothing.” He smiled. “Just come here for a second.”

I leaned over the center console, searching for the knife, intent on helping. “What? What can I do?”

“Kiss me,” he said, swallowing visibly in the low light.


He smiled. “Kiss me, Goofball.”

I laughed weakly and leaned in meeting his mouth halfway. His hands came up to catch my face, and he deepened the kiss more than I was expecting.

A violent crack sounded, and the back of the car dropped again, and the rear window was full of fire. My fingers tightened on his shirt. “Jamie.”

“I know,” he said. “Climb out. I’ll be right behind you. I promise.”

“Why does it feel like you’re saying—”

He kissed me again. “I’m not. I have a little more to saw and then I’ll be right out.”

My hands tightened on his shirt, and I leaned my forehead against his. “You better be.”

“Go,” he said. “Please go.”

Breaking away from him, I threw myself through the open window in front of us and climbed off the front of the car. My legs wobbled on the ground, and I stumbled to my knees. I scrambled up the hill on all fours and looked back to see Jamie’s dark form moving around inside the cab.

“Come on, come on,” I whispered under my breath. He started lifting out of his seat, a smile touched my lips, and—

The SUV burst into a ball of flame.