“Ah!” I cried in triumph, thrusting my hand up into the air, holding the stone. “I knew I’d seen one in here somewhere.”
“Alright,” Maria said, that wary note creeping back into her voice. “Do you have any idea how to use it?”
“All you have to do,” I said. “Is put the stone on his chest. Keep it there for a few hours and then once he’s feeling better, all he has to do is keep it on his person until the stone turns crimson. Once it’s crimson, he’ll have to give up the crystal and wait for the energy to pass out of it before he can use it again.”
“How much time will it give him?” she asked.
“It might buy him about a day or so,” I said. “Let’s just hope no one else gets sick in the meantime.”
“I’ve got three family names listed here,” Jamie said, pointing to an entry on the page in front of him. “If these addresses are still correct, then they’re all about an hour to three hours away from here.”
I thought for a second. “We’ll start with the closest and work our way out. What are the family names?”
“Uhh,” He stooped to squint at the text. “I think it says Grey, Barnes, and Beaumont.”
My heart leapt into my throat. “Beaumont? Is there a first name listed?”
He shook his head. “Just a last name.”
The tension in me eased. “Is that the one that’s closest?”
“No,” he said. “It’s the one in the middle, but it’s not that much further. Why? Does that name sound familiar to you?
I pressed my lips together and glanced at Maria. I didn’t want to get into that particular topic in front of her. She didn’t need to be worried about my personal drama. I met Jamie’s eye again, and, through our bond, I felt a sudden wave of understanding.
“We’ll start with the closest,” I repeated.
“Sounds like a plan. Do you want to go now, or do you need to be there when Maria uses the stone?”
“WhenIuse the stone?” Maria paled. “I’m not a witch, I have no idea what I’m doing.”
“All you have to do is set it on his sternum,” I said, pointing at the book. “The stone is already enchanted to do the rest of the work for you.”
She whimpered. “Are you sure?”
“I’m positive.” I nodded.
“Do I need the gloves to hold it?” she frowned.
“No, that’s only for the books. The stone is etched with enchantments. It only reacts to dark energy. So, unless you’re secretly the witch who cast that spell everything will be fine.”
“Alright,” she said. “Do you need my help tracking down this witch you’re looking for?”
“No.’ I smiled. “We’ve got this. Just tell Adrian we’ve gone after a lead when you see him.”
She smiled politely back at me, and then was gone climbing back up into the bedroom.
Jamie waited a few moments and then he spoke. “Is it just me or did something seem off about her?”
I pouted. “I think seeing Dillon hurt messed with her head. Either that or see us going at it on your back porch was too much for her.”
“Whatever it is, just make sure she’s okay when we get back,” he said.
“Where are we going exactly?” I asked.
“Estelle Falls, apparently. It’s just under over an hour from here,” he said, plugging the address into his phone.
I gave him two sarcastic thumbs up. “Road trip!”